"Well, I don't know who you're talking about, but I hope it's not that bitch Ella. But what I do know is he was really upset you left hurt like that."

"Sorry." She wasn't as sorry as she probably should have been. It was unfortunate, but there was no way she could have stayed under those circumstances. Plus, it really wasn't her fault if Nathan was in a mood, even if the thought made her feel guilty.

"Like, I've never seen anyone that agitated."

Reese pulled herself out of her sad attempt at hiding and sent Harley a severe look. Her sternness did nothing, as per usual, when it came to her friend.

"You obviously like him. He obviously likes you. What's the problem?"

What was the problem? Harley didn't know. Instead of making rational decisions, she was wound up in a knot of emotion. The answer was that simple and that unsatisfactory.

"If this is because of a few high school dickheads, you shouldn't let that stop you from going for what you want."

"Like you and Chris?" Reese shot back in a desperate attempt to change the subject.

It failed. "Exactly like that, yes. We had a great night. Pretty much just play back what you said to me but for you."

"Even if I do that, what would I do?"

"Well, you can start by checking your phone. Unless you were only ignoring my messages last night."

Reese didn't quite meet her eyes. "My hands hurt."

"Do they hurt badly?" Harley's pushy tone softened in concern. "Let me see them."

"Not as much," Reese admitted, holding out her hands obediently. She always had so much trouble resisting her friend when she showed her gentler side. Reese could never win with Harley, it had always been like that.

Harley gave her hands a once over, pausing at the light swelling then shooting Reese a judgmental look.

"What?" Reese asked, playing innocent under the scrutiny. "It's not serious, and at least it's not my dominant hand so I can still do my work."

Harley dug the phone out of Reese's purse from the night before and held it just out of Reese's reach. "IF it hurts, I'll do it for you."

"I promise, Reese said as her phone was handed to her. She turned it on and the screen lit up with a million notifications.

Ooh, a new chapter of My Feral Alpha was posted. That was exciting, more buffer before she got to the end and had to wait for new content. And so much better than dealing with the texts blowing up her screen about a completely uncomfortable situation.

Still, she looked at them. Obviously a few were from Harley, a couple from their other friends, and yes, there were three from him.

"How'd you know?"

Harley shrugged. "He was brooding and looking at his screen every twenty seconds the entire time I was near him. And Chris was glued to him like an emotional support animal, so that was basically the rest of the night after you left."

"I don't see why he'd act like this." At least no possible reason.

"I'd say love, but I'm leaning obsession at first sight?"

Reese scoffed.

"Just because you don't think it's possible doesn't mean that you don't want it to be possible. Text him back. The one thing I can guarantee you is that he wasn't with some other girl after you left. There was a whole bunch of misery—I've never seen one person able to kill the mood of a whole group like that—it was really amazing in a downer sort of way—then he and that Keith guy you met left together. But by that time pretty much everyone who didn't live there had already left."

It did make Reese feel better. She went into his texts.

Reese, I'm sorry I let you get hurt.

She smiled wryly at the first one. He didn't let her do anything.

Ten minutes later had come the second. Just let me know you're okay, please.

Definitely overreacting, like an overprotective werewolf. She sighed. She'd have such a leg up with Nathan on any black-haired beauties who may or may not be named Ella if she were lucky enough to live in a reality where he was a werewolf and she was destined for him. If only.

The third and final text was from the early morning. I'll take the hint and stop bothering you after this, but I wanted to ask if you were still willing to hang out with me today. If you're feeling up to it after your fall.

Did he really have to make it sound like she'd suffered a traumatic accident? It was just a little scrape and sprain. Sure it hurt, but it wasn't going to kill her. Except maybe her pride.

"What did he say?" Harley asked.

"Uh, just asking if I'm okay, mostly. It wasn't that bad. Just embarrassing."

"You don't need to be embarrassed. Everyone falls when people run into them. Erin feels really bad, by the way."

Reese sighed. "I told her not to. It was my fault for stopping without warning. Anyway, didn't you bribe your way in here with promises of breakfast?"

"Well, maybe a bit." Harley smirked. "But I could have gotten in for free if I'd really tried to, you know? I'm very persuasive."

Reese couldn't dispute that. She also wasn't all that hungry, but she did want a few more moments to herself to figure out how to respond to Nathan. He seemed still interested in spite of the fact she made a fool of herself and ran away, so the obvious answer was yes. But there were multiple ways that could be said to him, and none with Harley—no matter how well meaning—looming over her shoulder. "Well, if you fulfill your promise, I'll come out of my room. Later." She would have anyway, eventually. She couldn't miss class.

"Fine." They debated what to eat, Reese steering Harley towards options that she wouldn't have to leave the room for. Harley didn't comment, but she was probably aware of Reese's strategy and went along with it.

And finally, Reese had her room back to herself. She grabbed her phone, and after four rewrites, she finally responded to Nathan, simply telling him that she'd still like to see him again. Because she must have been crazy

Then, task complete, she let herself sink back into her book.

And then Nathan's response flashed across her screen and she nearly dropped her phone.

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