"I don't think so" Cassie told him.

"Ladies right. It's your lucky days fellas. You've been pardoned by the state of Georgia you're free to go" Daryl said causing Cassie to grow a small smirk.

"What you got going on in there?"

"None of your damn business" Cassie replied as she was getting sick of this guy already.

"Don't be telling what's my business" he told her taking the gun out his waistband pointing straight at Cassie.

''I'd move that gun away from her unless you want an arrow in your chest" Daryl warned him moving in front of Cassie.

"Chill man. Dudes leg is messed up" one of the other prisoners spoke up "Besides we're free now. Why are we still in here?"

"Man's got a point" Daryl said hoping the men would just leave thinking they'd be fine outside.

"Yeah I got to check on my old lady" one of the other prisoner said and that's when it really hit Cassie.

They didn't know what had happened. They didn't know how the world fell apart. They wouldn't know if their families were dead or alive at this point either.

"A group of civilians breaking into a prison you got no business being in, got me thinking we got no place to go"

"Why don't you go find out"

"Maybe we'll just be going now" the short man from the back spoke up.

"We ain't leaving"

"Well you ain't coming in either" Cassie told him in a harsh tone. As she said that T-Dog came round the corner gun at the ready making the prisoners more at a disadvantage.

"Hey this is my house, my rules I go where I damn well please" he raised his voice meaning the other probably heard him.

At this point Daryl and the prisoners had begun to argue with each other for really no reason other than throwing insults.

As Rick ran through the cell door, Carl locking it behind him Cassie knew they'd need to all shut up so they could sort this out.

"Alright boys enough!" She yelled and even the prisoners seemed slightly intimidated except from the one at the front who had been at the front of the argument.

"How many of you in there?" He asked his attention pulling away from Cassie to Rick.

"Too many for you to handle" Rick warned him.

"You guys rob a bank or something?" He questioned making Cassie scoff "Why don't you take him to the hospital?"

The four members of the group shared concerned looks from their clueless ness before Rick asked "How long have you been in that cafeteria?"

"Going on like 10 months" he answered uncertainly.

"A riot broke out. Never seen anything like it"

"Attica on speed, man"

"Ever heard about dudes going cannibal, dying coming back to life? Crazy" the other prisoners filled them in.

"One guard looked out for us, locked us up in the cafeteria. Told us to sit tight, there me this piece, said he'd be right back." The guy with the gun said.

"Yeah and that was 292 days ago" The fact they counted the days made Cassie wonder how hard it must have been cooped up in there.

"94 according to my calcula-"

"Shut up!" the obvious leader told him.

"We were thinking that the Army or the National Guard should be showing up any day now" one man spoke his voice laced with lost hope.

"There is no army" Rick told them.

"What do you mean?" one asked somehow not getting what the simple statement Rick made meant.

"There's no government, no hospitals, no police. It's all gone" Cassie further explained.

"For real?" The short man at the back asked.

"Oh yeah" she answered.

The prisoners weren't believing them and were still not understanding what they were trying to say so Rick decided the only way to get through to them was to show them what they meant.

They led the men out into the prison yard where there was numerous dead bodies lying around. They questioned the group on how they got in the guy in the white best not being the most impressed by them.

Rick then also once again had to explain how they were all infected and that if they died they were coming back as a zombie which seemed to freak them out quite a bit.

"Ain't no way this Robin Hood cars responsible for killing all these freaks. Must be 50 bodies out here"

"Never underestimate a man who steals from the rich to give to the poor" Cassie joked getting a glare from the man who had just previously spoke.

After yet another stand off between the two leader of the small groups in the yard the agreement came that in exchange for food the group had to help the prisoners clean out their own cell block.

If Cassie was being honest she wouldn't feel fully comfortable with the prisoners in the same building but she had a feel in this wouldn't end happily for everyone.

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