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"YAH!? Are you okay??" I say concerned. I reach out for his face but he dodges. I look at him and slowly drop my hand. "Jungwon...what happened?" I ask with worry in my eyes. His face is covered in blood and bruises. He doesn't answer but instead a tear rolls down his face. "Oh...Oh? What's wrong??" I say now even more concerned. He still doesn't answer but just takes a step towards me and just drops his head on my shoulder. I put my arms around him and pat his back. I gently push him of and put my cap on him. I walk us to a bench outside in an alley. We sit down and I embrace him he puts his face in the crook of my neck. First I could only hear some soft sobs but then the sobs started to get louder and more frequent. I patted his back the whole time. My heart was breaking, 'What happened that he is crying this long?'

After ten minutes the sobs start to lessen until there are no more sobs. I wait only a bit more but then i gently separate us so I can look at him. He looks me in the eyes and quickly looks away putting his hands in front of his face. "S-sorry, that was e-embarrassing." he manages to get out. I take his hands and hold them in mine. I look at him and say " No, it's not.". I don't ask him about what happened yet. He's a mess...his hair is all messed up, his face is completely covered in blood, bruises and he is pale and his eyes are red and swollen from crying. "Give me a minute okay?" I say. He nodds. I take my phone and walk away from Jungwon for a few meters. I see the call with U-jin hasn't ended. "Hello? U-jin u there? I didn't know we were still calling?" I say. "Ah yes, what happened? He was crying very long...Should I come?" he says. "No no, it's okay I can handle this. But I'll tell you later okay I have another call to make so I'll hang up okay?" I say "Okay, be carefull..." U-jin says. I hang up and look back at Jungwon. He is holding some paper and is looking at it with his head down. I call Yoobin. He doesn't pick up at first but right when I was about to cancel the call he picks up. "Hello Yeong-joo? Where did you go??" He asks. "Ah uh... Something very urgent came up...can you stay with Sunoo or take him home? Your friend has to go home later anyway... I really have to go somewhere okay? Sorry and say sorry from me to Sunoo and your friend okay? I'm gonna hang up alr?" I say. "What? Yeong-joo,  what? No wai-" He says but I hang up. I call Sunoo. "Yeong-joo? you okay? What happened?" Sunoo says. "Uh I'll tell you in school okay? But I really have to go... I'm sorry..." I say with a soft voice. "It's okay...I bet it's important or you wouldn't leave us like that. Go take care of what you have to do and I'll stay with these boys and later I'll go home okay?" He says. "I love you so much how did I find a friend like you? And let's do something some other time okay?" I say before hanging up. I go back to Jungwon who quickly puts the paper pieces away. "Let's go okay?" I say taking his hand. "Where?" he asks. "To get your face cleaned up." I say with a smile towards him. 

We go to a hospital and they bandage him. We walk outside after paying and go to the bus stop. "I need to take this bus to go home..." Jungwon says pointing at the board. "I have to take it too for some time." I say. He just nodds, he's been very quiet since he cried. The bus arrives and we board it. I sit by the window. After riding the bus for some time I suddenly feel something heavy on my shoulder. I look and see Jungwon sleeping leaning on my shoulder. I smile and pat his head. I put my head on his. And the next thing I know is that I wake up and it's dark outside. I look around and don't see anything that I recognize. "Students...You have to get of here. This is the last stop." The bus driver says. "Oh I'm sorry!" I say while waking Jungwon up. He wakes up and looks around confused. "This is the last stop, we have to get off." I say slowly grabbing my stuff. He stands up and waits for me to stand up too. His hand is still holding mine. We get out of the bus and it drives away. We just stand there looking around and then at each other. "I don't know where we are..." I say. "I do. I live here. Just a five minute walk from here. It's late you should come with me." He says. "Okay I'll just text my brother really quick because he must be worried." I say not letting go of his hand and just using one hand. 

Hyung XD

active: 50 minutes ago...


3 Missed calls from Hyung XD


U-jin? I'm sorry I fell asleep on the bus.

 So i didn't hear your calls.

 Jungwon proposed staying over at his place as it's already late...

Can I?

Hyung XD:

Okay...But we need to have a conversation tommorow.


Okay hyung... Sorry again for worrying you.

I put my phone in my pocket and we start walking. "Jungwon do you have any siblings?" I ask. He flinches. "Y-yeah. But she's not here rn." He answers. "Oh is she abroad or studying somewhere, or maybe on a vacation?" I look at him ignoring the flinch. "Uhm...s-something like that." He answers looking up taking a deep breath and then he sighs. I shiver a bit. He looks at me and takes off his hoodie letting go of my hand. He puts his hoodie on me as i'm wearing an open shouldered top:

 He puts his hoodie on me as i'm wearing an open shouldered top:

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 I say "Thank you." and it suddenly starts raining. We run but it's raining pretty hard. We finally arrive at his house and he opens the door. We enter and I take of my shoes. I stand there waiting for him to take them off as well. We go in and he says "Mom? Mom? Where are you? I brought a guest..." He says. "Jungwon-ie? You're here? Who's that?" his mom says coming down the stairs. I bow deep. "She's my classmate and friend Yeong-joo." He says. "Ah yes her brother picked up the phone when you were staying over at her place. Such a polite family." She says with a sweet smile. I get red and say thank you with a bow. I just stand there. Jungwon goes to his mother for a hug. "Omo...What happened to your face?" She says. "I fell." he lies. I know he is lying because then he wouldn't have cried that hard. He goes upstairs and comes back down with two towels he gives one to me. He takes me to his room. "You should wash up or you'll get sick." I say. "You too. You're dressed more coldly than me." he says pointing at my clothes. "You should go first. I'll just text my brother for a bit if that's okay." I say taking my phone. "Okay, you can sit on my bed if you want don't worry about it getting wet." he says while grabbing clothes out of his closet. He goes into his bathroom and I go sit on his bed.

Finding comfort ~ Yang Jungwon ffOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant