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She's been going to school for a week now. It's lunchtime and Yeong Joo is on her way to her brother to get lunch together. " Yah Yoobin let's go..." she yells through the hallway. Yoobin doesn't hear her as he is laughing with his friends. Yeong-joo doubts going any closer but eventually does go. She taps Yoobins shoulder and he looks at her smiling "Ah Yeong-joo...you here to get lunch?" He asks his smile fading a bit. "Yes, let's go I saw the menu it sounds good!" She says grabbing his hand starting to pull him with her. Yoobin slowly follows her but eventually says "Yeong-joo...Do you mind if I eat with my friends today?" Doubt present in his voice not wanting to hurt her. "Ah... of course. See, you already made friends you're doing good Yoobin. I told you it would be fine...! Go ahead I'll see you at home." She says while walking away to wherever. She hadn't made any friends yet. She did get along with Sunoo the first two days but after those two days he stopped coming to school no one knows why or when he will come back. She just goes back to her classroom and takes a nap.

After school she goes home and changes into comfortable clothes.

She likes dancing and hires a mini studio with a sound system and a large mirror

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She likes dancing and hires a mini studio with a sound system and a large mirror. She dances and sometimes works out there with her brothers. She takes the subway and gets some drinks and snacks at the local convenience store at the corner. She then enters the studio and starts to warm up. After dancing for an hour or two she eats the snacks. While eating she sees her brother enter. "Yoobin? What are you doing here?" "I was searching you... I'm sorry about lunch..." he says walking up to her and sitting down next to her. "Oh don't worry that's okay..." she reassured him. They talk for a bit and pack up and go home. They get home and smell food. "U Jin? You're home already? I thought you were working late today?" She asks while taking of her coat and shoes. "Yeah I know but I have a solicitation for another part time job..." he says while putting the dishes on the dinner table. "Another one? Shouldn't I just do one so you can focus on your studies more?" She says while washing her hands and nudiging Yoobin to wash his hands too before he sits down. "No you better focus on your studies yourself, and just be a teenager...Go out with your friends and stuff" he says starting to eat. "I'll do my best..." Yeong-joo says unsure. They eat and U Jin leaves giving them some ice cream before leaving. Yeong-joo goes to yoobins room and sits on his bed beside him. They watch a movie and fall asleep.

Yeong-joo changes and puts on a hoodie under her salopette because it's cold and leaves the house with U Jin to go eat something in a café. Yoobin made plans with his friends so they were alone. They entered the shop and waited in line. They ordered and sat down at a table. Yeong-joo sighed in content after sipping from her hot chocolate waiting for their food. "So how's school? Have you made friends?" U Jin asks. "It's fine...And I don't know I guess so..." she answers. "Take them home sometime, I want to meet your friends..." he says being sceptical. "I can't... my friend hasn't come to school in days..." she surrenders looking at the food that is being placed in front of her thanking the server. "Then call them?" He says raising his eyebrow. "I don't have my friends number or any contact really... But can't we talk about something else?" she says munching on a piece of bread. " okay whatever... then how ab~" he gets interrupted by his phone ringing "sorry I have to get this one... brb" he says while picking up his phone and walking outside the café to take the call. There she sits eating her food and looking around. While looking around a chocolate cookie catches her eye. She stands up and goes to the counter ordering it but when searching for her wallet she finds nothing. "Ah sorry I must've left my wallet at home... sorry I'll cancel my order" she goes back to sit and U Jin comes back inside. " yeong Joo I have to go to my part time job I'll drop you of at home... let's go"

A week or so passed by and she is just sitting in the back of the classroom looking outside and listening to music when suddenly she hears a familiar voice. She takes of her earphones "YEONG-JOOOOOOO!" She looks at the door and sees Sunoo. "Woah you've decided to come to school?" She says sarcastically. He pouts grabbing her arm apologising " yah I'm sorry I was in the hospital..." "What? Why?" She asks worried. "I get sick fast and had a big fever, because of my heart disease" he says sitting down at the desk next to her changing seats from his old place. "Oh...I'm happy you're back..." she says unconsciously thinking about diseases. "Really!? Ah that's so sweet!" He exclaims happily putting his hand in front of his mouth which is formed into a big smile. "What? No I- I didn't say-"she stutters. " heheheh you did say that..." he says sheepishly " ok fine...so want to be friends?" She asks " I thought we were friends already? So yeah..." he says. "Then give me your number and insta..." yeong Joo says. Sunoo gives it to her.

Yeong Joo sits on her bed and grabs her phone hearing a notification. She looks but doesn't see any on her phone so she assumes it's her brothers. As she is on her phone she sees Sunoo's contact and decides to text him.

Should I add a second lead?

Finding comfort ~ Yang Jungwon ffWhere stories live. Discover now