Chapter 6

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Harry stood on the platform in King's Cross, waiting to see the demon twins that he had grown so fond of. He scanned the crowd for signs of red hair and smiled when he saw them running out of the barrier. He weaved through the crowd towards them. He frowned as he neared and was able to hear their mother scolding them. They hadn't even done anything yet and she was telling them off!

"Fred! George!" Harry called, coming up behind them.

They turned, ignoring their mother, and grinned. "Hazza!" they greeted in unison.

"Are you—"

"Ready for Hogwarts?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," Harry said. He skipped up to them and grabbed their hands before turning to look at their mother. "My apologies, Miss," he said. "I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Harrison Potter."

The woman's attitude flipped in a second. "Oh, hello, dear. Call me Molly. How do you know the twins?"

"Fred and George helped me find my school supplies," Harry lied sweetly, an innocent smile on his lips.

"Did they now?" Molly sounded surprised.

Harry nodded convincingly. "They also promised to sit with me on the train," he said, "which is about to leave, so we should be going."

The two redheads said goodbye to their mother before following Harry onto the train and finding an empty compartment. "Thanks for the save, Haz," George said.

"Anytime," Harry said. "You don't actually have to sit with me, ya know. I know you were planning on sitting with Lee."

The two hesitated, but ultimately nodded. "Come sit with us if you get into Gryffindor," Fred said. "If you don't, that's fine too. We can always meet up somewhere else."

Harry agreed and they left after giving him a hug from each of them.

After the train and started moving, the door to the compartment opened to reveal a redhead that Harry easily identified as Ron, his demons' younger brother. "Anyone sitting there?" he asked, gesturing to the seat across from Harry. "Everywhere else is full."

Harry shook his head and Ron sat down. "Ron, right?" Harry asked, attempting to be polite, despite knowing that the redhead was one of those that pretended his twin brothers didn't exist.

Ron jumped a little but nodded. "Yeah, how'd you know?"

"I'm friends with your brothers," Harry said. "Fred and George."

Ron frowned. "You don't look like a third year."

"I'm not," Harry said. "I'm a first year, like you."

"How'd you meet them, then?"

"They helped me find my school supplies in Diagon," Harry said. "They're very nice."

Ron nodded in understanding.

The two continued to talk and Harry found that he liked Ron well enough. He would never be as close to him as he was to the twins, but he thought they could be friends.

"Hey, Hazza, wanna see the tarantula that Lee brought?" Fred asked, opening the compartment door.

Harry smiled and shook his head when he saw Ron pale at the mention of the giant spider. "Sorry, Freddie, but I think I'll wait."

"Alright," Fred said. "If you change your mind, let us know."

Around half past twelve there was a great clattering outside in the corridor and a smiling, dimpled woman slid back their door and said, "Anything off the cart, dears?"

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