Chapter 1

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Harry opened his eyes to find himself back in his cupboard under the stairs. No time had passed in the Realm of the Living, and so Harry knew he was still nine, almost ten, and awaiting his letter to Hogwarts in a year.

Harry's cupboard was opened cautiously and he looked up to see the worried expression of his cousin. "Are you okay, Harry?" he asked. "I heard him shouting last night."

Harry winked. "I'm fine. I'll tell you everything when it's safe."

Dudley sighed in relief and nodded. "Mum and Dad left town for a few days. We should be good to do whatever we want until they get back."

Harry took that as his cue to crawl out of his cupboard. He smiled at Dudley and gestured for him to follow to the kitchen, where he began making breakfast for the two of them. While he had been in Death's Realm, he had discovered that he truly did love to cook, and was glad he was still able to do so well in the Realm of the Living.

"So, what happened?" Dudley asked after they had eaten the omelettes.

"I died," Harry said bluntly. "I met Death and he trained me before sending me back as an angel."

Dudley's eyes widened in horror. "We can't stay here anymore!" he said. "He killed you!"

Harry winced at the near screech that had escaped his cousin. "I can't die twice, Dud," he said calmingly.

"No, Har. We're leaving today."

Not seeing any true reason to disagree, Harry nodded. "We'll head to Gringotts," he decided. "They can tell us what properties I own."

"What's Gringotts?" Dudley asked.

Harry then had to explain the wizarding world and it's banking system. Luckily, his cousin took it well and they were soon getting ready to leave.

"You can't walk into there with my old clothes on," Dudley said as they left the house. He held up his wallet, which was stuffed with unused savings. "Let's get you a few new sets of clothes."

Harry agreed and the two walked into the clothing store that was near their home.

"Excuse me, Ma'am," Dudley said sweetly to the nearest employee. "My cousin needs some new clothes, as you can see. Could you help us?"

"Of course, Sweetie," the woman, whose name tag read Charlie, agreed with a kind smile. She looked over Harry. "How old is he?" she asked.

Harry smiled charmingly. "I'm nine, Ma'am, but I'd really like some more simple and mature clothing."

The Angel's Charm worked like, well, a charm, and soon Charlie was sorting through rocks of clothing and picking out the perfect things for him. She handed them to him and told him to try them on to make sure they fit his small frame.

The first outfit he tried on made him look handsome, for a kid, that is. A pair of black skinny jeans and a white T-shirt with a green jacket. He decided he liked it. The jacket was warm and comfortable and he looked good. It was sort of a bad boy look, but Harry didn't care much.

The next outfit made him look innocent, which he quite enjoyed. The shirt was white, again, and had mid-length sleeves. It was paired with light blue skinny jeans and a denim jacket. He also decided to get this outfit.

The third, and final, outfit was his favorite. It made him truly seem like a stereotypical angel. It was a long sleeved, white shirt, paired with white jeans. Along with this was a golden necklace with matching golden earrings. Harry hadn't considered getting his ears pierced, but now he wanted to.

He decided on getting them all and promised Dudley he'd pay him back. Dudley just waved him off and paid for the clothes. After they had finished with their shopping, Harry changed into the first outfit and threw away the rags he had been wearing.

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