Chapter 3

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Explaining everything to Filius had been surprisingly easy and the half-goblin had promised to keep his secret.

After Filius had left them, now trusting them by themselves as Harry was an angel, the two cousins each claimed a wing of the manor for themselves. Harry claimed the Upper East Wing and Dudley claimed the Upper West Wing.

"Master Harry, Sir," Mimsy said as Harry unpacked his trunk into the large wardrobe. "There is being someone at the doors."

Harry frowned in confusion. He hadn't invited anyone yet.

"He claims to have been summoned by Gringotts, Master Harry."

"Ah, yes. Let me speak to him."

Mimsy led Harry to the entry hall, where Willy was glaring suspiciously at thean whom had come to visit. He had sandy brown hair and warm brown eyes. He was extremely pale and thin, with scars showing openly, which was highly concerning. He looked tired and ill, also concerning.

"Hello?" the man said. "My name is Remus Lupin. Gringotts sent me a portkey here. Where am I and why am I here?"

Harry smiled widely. "Hey, Uncle Moony. Sorry about Ragnuk. He should have probably sent an explanation with the portkey. Welcome to Slytherin Manor, my new home."

"Harry? Cub? What's going on?"

"Uh, come with me," Harry said. "I think you should be sitting down for this."

After they were seated in the sitting room, Harry began to explain everything. He didn't leave any details out, making Remus tear up when he described his death.

"So, why did Gringotts summon me here?" Remus asked.

"According to Filius, we need adult supervision," Harry said. "I mentioned inviting you to live with us to fulfill that requirement."

"I'm a werewolf, Harry," he protested. "I can't live here with you."

Harry rolled his eyes. "We have a whole forest that you can use on the night of the full moon. I'm not even alive to infect, and Dudley will be fine even if he gets infected, which he won't."

Remus still hesitated, but finally nodded his assent. "Alright," he said.

"Wonderful. Mimsy, Willy!"

"Yes, Master Harry?"

"Mimsy, please ensure that the Upper South Wing is prepared for use. Willy, help Remus pack his things and move them into the Upper South Wing."

"Yes, Master Harry."

"Thank you, Cub," Remus whispered, "but I don't have anything to pack."

Harry frowned. "Then, we'll need to go shopping," he decided.


The shopping trip was surprisingly short, as Remus only got robes and some essentials. He, reluctantly, accepted Harry's insistence on a whole new wardrobe.

Harry got a snowy owl that he named Hedwig so that he could send letters. He didn't have anyone to write to yet, but he knew that would change eventually.

They returned to Slytherin Manor with their purchases and Willy helped Remus unpack everything into his new living space.

The werewolf was starting to get a bit overwhelmed, but Harry knew that was expected. He simply smiled kindly at the wolf before heading to his own wing, where he sat down and began to think.

He already knew all the customs of the magical world, but that was the extent of it. He wanted to know more before he had to go to Hogwarts, and he only had a year to prepare. Well, that was, if he got his Hogwarts letter. He wasn't sure if the magic that applied for him would work, since he was technically dead.

Of course, he would have other things to do during his time. As an angel, he had duties to perform. His job was to protect, and he would need to find the person he was meant to protect.

See, angels had an innate desire to protect, and they each had at least one person they were destined to watch over until their death. The term "guardian angel" is completely accurate. Angels are fiercely protective of their charges, yet they are very rare.

"Death?" he called into the empty air.

"Yes, Harrison?" Death appeared before him, looking like a skeletal figure. He must have been on duty.

"Sorry for interrupting..." Harry murmured. "I was just thinking about who I am meant to protect. Do you know?"

Death nodded. "You will feel a pull towards them," he explained. "You may feel more than one pull, meaning you have more than one charge."

"Thank you," Harry said. "Should I wait for Hogwarts, or should I start venturing out now to find them?"

Death sighed, a rattling sound in his skeletal form. "Venture out," he advised. "We do not know if you will be able to attend Hogwarts."

Harry smiled widely at the thought of finding his first charge. "I'll spend all day tomorrow in Diagon!" he declared decisively.

Death chuckled fondly. "Let me know when you find them, Harrison."

Harry grinned and nodded. "I will!"

Death ruffled his hair before fading out of the room and back into his realm.

Harry was nearly bouncing with excitement. He was determined to find his charge and to protect them from harm. He was going to be the best angel ever!


Sorry for the short chapter.

Who do y'all think his charge(s) will be?

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