Chapter 4

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Harry had been sitting in the ice cream parlor at Diagon for nearly four hours and was starting to pout. It had been a week of this and he still hadn't found his charge. He knew it probably wouldn't be so simple to find his charge, but that didn't make it any less disappointing.

He felt the urge to help someone grow as he finished his third cup of ice cream. He needed to find someone to help soon, or else he would lose his attachment to the Realm of the Living. He decided to walk around to try and find someone in need of help or a miracle.

He eventually found some. Two identical redheads about two years older than him. They were talking in hushed voices as they looked around the Alley for someone.

"Of course she forgot about us!" one complained. "She always forgets us, George!"

"I know, Fred," George said, sounding sad. "Come on, let's just get some ice cream while we wait for her to remember our existence."

"We can't even do that!" Fred said heatedly. "She insisted she hold on to our coin pouches!"

Harry frowned in displeasure at whomever this woman was. He then started to approach the two, feeling a smile settle onto his lips as the excitement of finally getting his first chance to help someone as an angel.

"Well, then what are we supposed to do?" George asked.

"Are you here for school supplies?" Harry asked shyly.

Their attention snapped to him and they immediately adopted identical grins. "Yeah," Fred said. "We just got a bit turned around."

Harry sighed. "No, you didn't," he said stiffly, feeling his displeasure at their situation returning. "You've been left behind."

Both smiles dimmed and they shrugged in unison. "Alright, you caught us," George said with a sigh. "What are you doing here alone, anyway?"

"Getting ice cream and then taking you two shopping for school supplies," Harry said cheerfully, his happiness returning.

The two blinked in surprise. "Uh... we can't buy supplies," Fred said. "We don't have any money."

Harry simply smiled. "Well then, it's a good thing I do."


He rolled his eyes and grabbed their hands, pulling them along with him to the ice cream parlor. "I'll explain once you both have something sugary to eat."

Once he had bought each a large ice cream of their choice, they sat in a secluded section of the parlor and stared at Harry expectantly.

"I overheard your conversation," Harry said with a smile. "My name's Harry and I'm an angel."

"Angels aren't real," George said bluntly, taking a bite of his ice cream.

"Yes, they are!" Fred protested. "Charlie talks about them all the time!" He turned to Harry. "How old were you when you died?"

Harry shrugged self-consciously. "I died just over a week ago," he said. "I am nine years old."

"Oh, I'm sorry for bringing it up," Fred said with a sad gleam in his eyes.

"It's alright!" Harry said. "So, how much do you know about angels, then?"

"I know they have certain people they protect and help. I know they have to have died to be an angel. They're pretty powerful and can grant miracles. They enjoy helping people a lot and are usually kind and nice."

George frowned. "How do you know all that?"

"Angels were Charlie's obsession before dragons," Fred said with a shrug. "He always wanted to find one to talk to, but never could. They're really rare."

"Oh," George said. He looked back at Harry. "So, you want to help us?"

Harry nodded. "I've yet to find my charge," he said with a sad sigh. "I need to help someone so that I can stay in the Realm of the Living. Besides, I would help you anyways. You seem like nice people in an unfair situation. You need your school supplies and I have plenty of money."

He sighed. "Alright," he said. "It's not like Mum's going to remember us anytime soon."

Harry smiled brightly as the two finished their ice cream. When they had finished, he cheerfully said, "First stop: Tiller's Trunks!"

"We have trunks, though," George said hesitantly.

Harry raised an eyebrow. "Judging by your clothes, your family has little money. Your trunks probably have little to no protection or security on them. You're getting everything new."

At the trunk shop, Harry bought them identical (they insisted) trunks made of red dragonhide with golden clasps and a golden Weasley family crest. Their names were also embossed in the dragonhide in golden lettering. They were password protected and had three enlarged compartments. One closet, one library, and one storage. The compartments were controlled by speech and if not opened correctly, it would appear as a normal trunk filled with random clothes from the closet compartment.

After the trunk shop, Harry took them to Madam Malkin's and ordered them each Hogwarts uniforms and some outfits for outside of school. All were made of fine materials and were enchanted to moderate the temperature to always be comfortable.

Finally, they moved on to the final school shopping. They got the top of the line supplies and books that were new and that they wouldn't have to share. Apparently, their mum always got only one set of books between the two of them, which had impeded their studied.

By the time they were done, Harry was ecstatic. He was so glad he had decided to help them. They were so nice and caring. They were funny and mischievous, but they knew better than to push things too far. Harry couldn't understand how anyone could forget them.

The twins were similarly happy. Not only did they have all new things for the school year, but they had met an angel to tell Charlie about and said angel could tell them apart with ease! That was a feat only Percy and Charlie had ever been able to accomplish. Bill could tell them apart, but it took a bit of struggle for him.

"Well... now what?" George asked. "It's been hours. If she hasn't remembered us by now, then she won't until Percy asks where we are, but he's at Penny's."

Harry just smiled and took their hands before focusing on the bonds that connect them and their family. He focused on the strongest one and used his angel abilities to teleport the three of them there.


Harry snickered at the redheaded young man they had just landed in front of. His eyes were blown wide and he was staring at them while clutching his chest as Harry heard his heart race. "Fred? George?"

"Charlie?" they asked in unison.

"How did we—"

"Get to Romania?"

"Ah, sorry about that," Harry said with a sheepish smile. "I just brought us to the person you had the strongest familial bond with."

"Oh, that makes sense," Fred said with a smile. He turned to Charlie. "Char, meet Harry. He's an angel."

Charlie's jaw dropped. "You're serious?"

Harry smiled sweetly. "Pleasure to meet you."

The handsome redhead began spouting questions almost immediately. "What can you do? How do you choose a charge? Is it true that angels are immortal? Does your blood have magical properties like other creatures' blood? What's dying like? Is there an afterlife? Do you have wings or is that a myth? What—"

Harry laughed and interrupted. "How about you come to my manor sometime and I'll answer all your questions? For now, I have to be going home before the 'adult supervision' in the home gets worried. Could you take Fred and George home?"

Charlie nodded eagerly.

"What's your last name?" Fred asked. "So we can owl you."

Harry smiled. "Potter," he answered before disappearing into thin air.

After he was gone, Fred and George looked at Charlie's awestruck expression before smiling and launching into an explanation of the whole day.

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