Chapter 2

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Dudley and Harry stayed the night at the Leaky Cauldron, waking up early the next morning. With nothing to do for a few hours, the pair decided to go shopping.

Harry was excited as they wandered among the shops. He was wearing his new outfit, the one that made him look innocent, and he ignored all the judgemental stares he received.

"I want some new shoes," Harry decided randomly as they were looking through a shop.

"Well, then I would suggest you go to Flint's Footwear," a nearby man said, overhearing his declaration.

Harry turned to him and smiled. "Thanks, Sir!" he said. "My name's Harrison. May I ask yours?"

The man was short, very short. He had white hair and kind brown eyes. "Filius," the man provided. "Are you all alone?"

Harry shook his head. "Not at all. My cousin is around here somewhere."

"How old is your cousin?" Filius asked. He seemed concerned for Harry's safety, which was touching.

"Ten," Harry answered.

Filius frowned. "Your parents aren't here?"

Harry scuffed the ground with his foot. "My parents are dead, Sir," he said quietly.

"Oh, dear," Filius said sadly. "I'm so sorry."

Harry just smiled kindly. "It's alright, Sir," he said. "I never knew them."

Filius sighed. "Would you allow me to accompany you and your cousin today, Harrison? You should have adult supervision."

Harry thought about it before shrugging. He could sense the man's intentions were pure and that he was trustworthy, even if they only just met. "If you'd like," he decided. "We'll be visiting Gringotts for an appointment at noon."

Filius smiled and followed Harry to where Dudley was looking at some knick knacks.

"I've decided I need some new shoes," Harry said. "This is Filius. He's decided we need adult supervision and will be joining us."

"We're going to need to get you some of those weird robes everyone is wearing," Dudley said without turning around to look at them. "Also, didn't you want to get your ear pierced?"

"Still do," Harry assured him. "Filius, Sir, where do you suggest we go?"

"Madam Malkin is the finest tailor in the Alley," Filius said. "However, I would first suggest getting a trunk to carry your purchases in."

"So, shoes, then trunks, then clothes," Harry said. "Alright."

Dudley turned around finally. "Let's go, then."

At the shoe store, Harry bought a nice pair of black, dragonhide combat boots. They were expensive, but he didn't care much.

Filius then led the two to the trunk shop, where Harry bought a nice trunk with three large compartments. One closet, one library, and one storage. Each compartment was the size of Number Four Privet Drive. The trunk was made with black dragonhide and platinum edgings and clasps. He had his initials on it as well: HJP.

Dudley bought a similar trunk, but his was made of red dragonhide and had his own initials on it.

"To the robe shop!" Dudley declared once they had stepped out.

Filius chuckled as he followed the two boys. Something was nagging at the back of his mind as he watched Harrison, but he couldn't quite place it.

The robe shop was quite large and spacious. There were racks of clothing on the walls and pedastals in the center of the room. Racks of jewelry were also displayed. There was a waiting room as well, which Harry ignored as he looked over the woman who was at the desk.

She was plump and had a kind smile. Her grey hair was styled neatly and she wore a nice green dress. She turned her attention to the three as they entered. "Ah, Professor Flitwick! Are you here for your order? I'm afraid it's not quite done yet."

"No, Madam," Filius said. "I'm just accompanying these two."

Madam Malkin, Harry assumed, looked over at them. "What can I do for you?"

"I will need a full wardrobe," Harry said.

Madam Malkin nodded, still smiling. "Let's get you measured, then."

Harry stepped up onto the pedastals and allowed her to begin measuring him for his wardrobe. He felt slightly self-conscious, knowing he was severely malnourished and small for his age. He brushed off the feeling and waited until he was handed a catalogue to choose from.

He chose several designs, all of which would enable him to move easily and elegantly. He then chose several sets of muggle clothing from the racks, as well as some jewelry.

"Do you do piercings, Madam?"

"I do, actually," she said. "Would you like some?"

Harry smiled happily and described what he wanted.

"Alright, pick out a few studs," Madam Malkin said.

Harry chose his earrings and she pierced his ears. He got three piercings in each ear. Each earring was gold and simple, so they would go with whatever he wore until he could get more. Since the piercing was magical, he didn't have to leave them in for a while so that the piercing would stay.

Harry was delighted with the results and gave her a large tip before packing everything in his trunk and skipping out of the store, Filius and Dudley following behind.

"What time is it?" Dudley asked Filius.

Filius cast a tempus and said, "Almost noon. Didn't you have a meeting at Gringotts at noon?"

"Yep!" Harry agreed. "You don't have to come, if you'd rather not."

Filius leveled him with a stern look. "Let's be going before we're late," he said briskly.

Harry shrugged and led the way to Gringotts. Grimclaw led them through the halls to Ragnuk's office, and they entered when he gave permission.

"You've brought a guest," Ragnuk observed drily. "Is he to be accompanying us?"

"He says we need adult supervision," Harry said.

Ragnuk laughed heartily. "Very well, then," he said, still chortling a little. "I have the portkeys for each of the properties. Which would you like to visit?"

"Not the Potter properties," Harry said, ignoring the gasp from Filius. "Not yet, at least. I'd like to start with Slytherin Manor."

Slytherin Manor ended up being perfect for their needs. It was kept in perfect condition by the house elves, Mimsy and Willy. Harry knew it was the place to live for him.

"Ragnuk, please change my address in your records to here. Me and Dudley will be living here."

"Without adult supervision?" Filius asked worriedly.

Harry sighed, starting to feel slightly irritated by Filius's need for adult supervision. "Would it make you feel better if I get an adult to live with us?"

Filius nodded. "It would."

"Fine. I will have my uncle come." He nearly cringed when he thought of Moony. It had been so long since he ahd last seen him. How would the werewolf react to him now?

Dudley, however, didn't know about Moony. He panicked. "No! Harry, he'll kill you again!"

This caused Filius to be highly concerned. Harrison had died? Why would he invite his killer to live with him? How was he even alive?

"Not Vernon, Dud," Harry soothed. "I have another uncle. Remus Lupin."

Dudley calmed down and nodded. "Alright."

Harry then turned to Filius and sighed. "I suppose I have some explaining to do."

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