The Strong sister alongside Laena and Lyanna had left for the Godswood. As for Rhaenyra and Harwin, they had joined Larys in his office. Harwin wished to be caught up in everything that had happened since his father last came.

Rhaella felt the constant eyes of someone following her everywhere she went. It was driving her insane. Hours ago she had let Loren off. She knew her lady would be good since Arkel had come with the habit of following her.

Not being able to contain herself she made her way to the kitchen where she poured herself a cup of wine. That seemed to ease her mind somewhat.

without realizing it the bottle of wine had been empty causing her to become sleepy. A soft smile on her lips as she heard children's laughter.


Rhaenyra had excused herself from Harwin making her way to her sworn shield. "Is everything ready?" Rhaenyra whispered as she followed his eyes.

"Yeah, they are here hiding... Your sister has quite the eye. Caught them a few times." Arkel grinned as he saw Rhaenyra's face. He knew it pained the heir to lie to her own sister making her believe she was going mad.

"My sister has an eye for this type of thing... Remember no one is to get hurt. That is what the extra bag of coins was for!" Rhaenyra reminded the mercenary as she looked out the window her hands playing with her rings.

"I am a man of my word Rhaenyra! It should give you enough time to do what you must." Arkel grinned as he left. Rhaenyra hoped this went well.

Alicent had been left to do as she wished. Ser Criston had accompanied her much to the dislike of Larys who stared at them both from his window.

His cane a tapping mess on the stone floor. Her smile was as sweet as candy, her scent that of mint. He knew if he wished for the Lady Alicent then that Dornish cunt was to be rid of, and her feet he wonder how they looked, how they felt.

He knew people that given the right amount of coin would make it happen. But he must wait of that Dornish low life.

Alicent felt his stare the entire time making her anxious she had to restrain herself from pinching at her fingers. She had grabbed Ser Criston's arm and guided themselves elsewhere away from the stare of Larys. The man had been more than happy and followed the lady Alicent.

On the other side of the castle, Laena finally found it in herself to forgive Rhaella and made her way to her chamber. The last two weeks had been lonely for the Velaryon. No one to rile up and leave alone in the middle of a hallway. To not wake with Rhaella between her legs.

When she made it she prepared her speech as to why she had forgiven her that she was alright with sharing her heart to the Stark boy. Only to see her dear Rhaella passed out on her bed. A sigh left her lips as she left the room a defeated look on her face.

The night came and with it an anxious Rhaenyra. Was it too late to call for this to be off?

No! She could not turn back now. This was the first step to avenging her sons. This needed to go according to her plan if not... no it would go well. A sigh left her lips not the first and probably not the last for the night.

A cup of wine stood by her desk. The same habit as her sister. Except she only did it in her chambers away from anyone.

A knock brought her out of her thought it was time. With one last sigh, she left her bed chamber.

The Dragons that Fell // HOTDWhere stories live. Discover now