ATSV: Father and Son

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His phone starts to ring. It's his friend Petra. He picks up.

Gabriel: Hey, Petra.

Petra: Hey, Gabe. Me and May are at work, and, um... my brother just walked in.

Gabriel immediately realizes the danger and travels to the FEAST facility, Petra and May's workplace, passing a sign spray-painted "JJJ WAS RIGHT". He enters the building and scours it very haphazardly, in his civies.

Gabriel: May? Petra? Where's May?

As an employee points.

Gabriel: Thank you.

He runs into a room, breathing heavily, before suddenly stopping. Petra and May is sitting at a table with Peter Parker, both holding cups of tea.

May: Hey, here he is. Peter.

Gabriel: Pete?

Peter: Gabe... we need your help.

Gabriel: We?

Click, click, click. The door of Anya, Gwen and Gabriel's apartment is unlocked. From the viewpoint of the entrance security camera, we see Anya opening the door as the villains enter their living space in the following order: Peter, Otto, Max, who glances menacingly at the camera for a second, causing it to glitch, and finally Flint. The last ones to come in before Anya is Petra, Gabriel May.

Gabriel: Where's Connors?

May: He told me he wants to stay in the truck.

Gabriel: Okay.

Petra: I can't believe you were Spider-Man! And you guys live in a condo!

Spider-Man proceeds to close the door.

Anya: Okay. I feel kinda bad using our place like this.

Gabriel: We'll get over it.

Anya: Uhh may I remind you that your girlfriend is fused with an alien that feeds off heads.

Gabriel: Gwen will get over it.

Electro fires a dim pulse of energy at the TV, causing it to turn on. On the news we see that the majority of American society - 67% - has voted against the addition of Captain America's shield to the Statue of Liberty in a national plebiscite. Sandman sits down on the couch, immediately leaving some dirt on it.

Flint Marko: Oh, sorry.

He tries to remove it, soiling it even more

Otto Octavius: So this is your plan, O'Hara? Mmm? No lab, no facilities, just performing miracles in a condominium? What, you're gonna cook up some cures, some frozen burritos in a microwave?

Peter: I could go for a burrito.

Otto Octavius: He's gonna kill us all.

Gabriel: Well, let's hope not. You're up first, Doc.

He heads to his room next door

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