ATSV: That hit the Spot

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Gabriel: Dad we can't just leave her here. She's doing this on her own.

Gwen barely hears them. Her eyes are locked on George

Gwen: I don't know how to fix this.

Gabriel and Jess looks at Miguel. Into him and something -- is that a fatherly instinct? kicks in. Barely.

Miguel: yeah, well... join the club.

Miguel tosses Gwen a watch. She takes it in a way to escape. To be understood. One last look at George... as Gabriel, Miguel and Jess disappear and then Gwen turns into the light.

Let's turn it up...

We cut to a subway train rushes past. Then to people waiting on the subway station. Folks walking across the Brooklyn Bridge. We don't need a title card to tell us we're in Brooklynn.


Teachers and students fill the Visions Academy office. Filling out paperwork, waiting for appointments, etc. Rio and Jeff sit before Ms. Weber, a College Counselor.

Rio: I know he's just a sophomore but we want to get a jump on the college conversation, so, I'm sure he's gonna be here. Any minute.

Jeff: He's very serious about his future.

There's a stare of doom from Weber, who's heard it all before. Inside a Bodega a DAYA DING- DONG! As it announces the arrival of a total ding-dong: Johnathon Ohnn, aka The Spot, a goofy-looking villain-of-the-week covered in HOLES. The last time we saw Ohnn was when he walked in on Gwen and Gabriel thinking they were about to do the... devil's tango. He casually passes by Lenny, the shop owner.

Spot: Excuse me, do you have an ATM Machine?

Lenny: Yeah, around here in the back.

Spot: Preferably not chained to the wall?

He stops in front of the ATM.

Spot: Should be simple enough. Just makea hole, grab the money.

He peels a spot off his body and places it onto the ATM, then pushes his hand through it to grab the cash inside.

Spot: Where are you money? C'mere--

Spot accidentally makes another hole over by the soda.

Spot: --dang it--

Then one behind his head

Spot: --hold on--

A big hole appears under the machine.

Spot: --uh oh.

The ATM falls halfway into and gets stuck. Through a window, Lenny sees the bottom half of the ATM popup in the middle of the street.

Pedestrian: Hey, who left this ATM on the sidewalk?!

As Spot tries to slam the rest of the ATM through the floor.

Lenny: Yo! What you doin' back there, man?

Spot: Sorry, sir, I'll just be a moment--

Lenny comes at Spot with a bat!

Lenny: Get yourself out of here!

Spot evades by portaling in and out of the different aisles like those Whac-A-Mole* games at arcades.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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