LTBC Issue 4: Shriek

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So... how do I recall the last chapter in one word? Oh right, like this- SHIT HIT THE FAN! Kassidy escaped death row and is now running along the streets of New York City but that's not all he has a Symbiote now. But where is he gonna go?

Meanwhile at the secret prison, the Raven. Two SHIELD Agents just landed at the prison. The last place where they could get enhanced in, that hadn't been discovered by Coulson.

They were dam lucky that the man was stabbed by Loki just before he was granted authorization to know where the Raven is. If he knew....then it would all go to hell. One agent knew exactly what happened to change Coulson from the loyal agent of his, to this one trying to tare all SHIELD's control down.

That woman, Johnson. Ever since he brought her in, his boss Fury had known she was trouble. She questioned to much, she didn't back down from the more...questionable things. When they have built that team for Coulson, they had selected every member to keep the man loyal under control.

Then again, all of that team was messed up. Grant Ward was Hydra, they should have know the close relationship he had with Melinda May could have won out, and those scientist were just newbies. But that girl that they never saw coming, it changed everything.

Her morals and curiosity rubbed off to Coulson. Suddenly he was no longer fine with the secrets and manipulations, he wanted to change things, and when the old SHIELD fell, it gave him the right opportunity.

He completly ignored Fury's plan, and teamed up with other agents that also questioned the way SHIELD used to work, as well as General Glenn Talbot, who hated the old SHIELD, so he could basically fuck all of his plans. And to make matter worst, his team up with Stark made things even harder. Oh what would Fury do to have the billionaire under their thumb again.

Guard: Two SHIELD Agents. Why are you visiting?

Agent 1: We need to see Prisoner 9. Francis Barrison.

Guard: Barrison? But why her ?

Agent 2: I think you all know of Cletus Kasady's breakout. You know her connection with him.

Guard: Yes. She's been unstable since all of this happened. I have had to improve security.

Agent 2: That glass was meant to hold on the Hulk. Are you telling me she can break that ?

Guard: We were never able to properly test it Mam. We have no idea if someone like the Hulk could break it. And it is not her we are concerned about, but rather that her now monster boyfriend comes for her.

The first agent nodded, that is a good reason.

Agent 1: Lead us to her.

She nodded and walked with them.

Agent 2: Any word about Spidey?

Agent 1: So far nothing, Fury left us in the dark.

Agent 2: Fuck. Does Mulligan know?

Agent 1: Yes. He was the one that arrested them sir, Kasady might target him...

Agent 2: I am aware of that. Which is why Fury is having Barrison moved to another place.

Agent 1: Why not just....kill her.

Agent 2: Because she is the only mutant we have ever gotten our hands on. With that school most of them are under protection of the government, and now the Accords Council.

The first Agent wasn't exactly a hater of the accords like some heroes were. Keeping heroes in check, even he knows that has its merits. But that also meant all organizations keeping tabs on enhanced were kept under check, meaning SHIELD wouldn't get away with anything now.

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