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I finished checking on my tables before walking to the bathrooms knocking on the door as Joe opens it. I quickly walk in as he locks the door making me confused "Why'd you tell me to come back here?" I ask and he smirks picking me up setting me on the counter by the sinks "You think I can just let you walk around like this without doing something" he says. He kisses my neck making me bite my lip " are on a date..." I say moving my head to the side giving him access.

He kisses up to my ear "We will be quick" he says kissing to my lips. I of course kiss him back knowing I am going to regret this but I can not stop. I always want him and I am pretty sure there will never be a time that I won't want him. He pulls my shorts down slightly and his pants putting a condom on. I bit my lip as he lines himself up "Ready?" he asks and I nod as he kisses me and thrusts in. I cover my mouth to hide my moan as he tries not to moan himself. He doesn't even start at a slow pace he just goes faster and slightly rough, however I am not complaining.

I throw my head back slightly digging my nails into his biceps at the feeling "Fuck baby girl..." he says. That turns me on even more I moan and start to clench around him feeling him twitch. He looks at me as we both cum at the same time trying not to loan out loud from it. He wasn't kidding about a quick hookup. I pant as he begins to slow down and carefully pulls out. I look at him and he nods taking the condom off "Um...thanks" he says and I just nod catching my breath. He then walks out leaving me making me confused.

I almost regret doing that. I mean he is on a date and ends up having sex with me? I just shake my head putting my shorts back on and adjusting myself in the mirror. I walk out making sure no one's coming back and hurry to get their orders. I grab the tray and eventually come back to their table "Sorry about the wait guys" I say. Olive smiles "Omg don't even worry about it, I am sure you guys are super busy all the time" she says as I put their plates on the table. I smile now feeling even worse because she seems so nice.

-After work-

I was driving home calling Scarolette "Scar...I really fucked up tonight" I say. She laughs slightly "whatcha do?" she asks as I pull up to my house sighing "So Joe's date, was to the Hooters I work at" I say and she gasps "Ew why Hooters?" she asks and I laugh "I don't know but while I was putting orders in he walked by saying to meet him in the bathroom...Scar we had sex while his really nice and absolutely gorgeous date was at the table" I say. She starts cracking up making me annoyed " didn't..." she says and I roll my eyes "I did..." I say.

She stays silent for a bit and then says "Well...I don't even know what to say to that" and I shake my head grabbing my phone getting out of my car walking up to my door "I don't either...I regret doing it but I also don't" I say. She chuckles "Sav of course you do, I mean no one wants to fuck someone while he's on a date with someone else but you are practically in love with him" she says as I unlock the door and walk in placing my stuff at the front foyer "I know, well I have to get ready for bed so I will call you tomorrow ok?" I say and she agrees so we both say goodnight and hang up. I walk up to my room and plop on it thinking of how wrong things are.

I get up and go into the shower washing my hair and body and then get out and get into my pajamas walking down the stairs as my mom calls me so I answer "Hey mom, what's up?" I ask and she responds "Sav, I need you to come over tomorrow night for dinner, we're having Joe's family over" she says making my face drop. Why is Joe's family coming over? Does this mean Joe will be over? Of course it does. Whenever we have a dinner with his family he sits right across from me almost interrogating me with his looks and how he's dressed.

I must have been quiet for a bit because my mom says "Sav? You still there?" I shake my head out of my thoughts "Yes I'm still here, um I will be there tomorrow" I say making her squeal "Perfect! Thanks honey! Oh also make sure to dress nice...I think Joe has a little crush on you" she says making me laugh at that "I doubt it mom" I say. We both talk a bit more before I hang up and walk to my living room. I can't help but to think what if Joe has a crush on me? How different would things be with us? Would we still just be hooking up? Would we be dating by now?

I sigh and sit on my couch grabbing my remote turning it on just thinking about Joe and how tomorrow is going to go.

A/N: And here we go! Did we think this is what would happen between them in the bathroom? I bet you didn't!

Just you wait till the next chapter! It's gonna be THIRSTY!

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