Chapter 28

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Mary and you were together again, alone in a room only you know about. You agreed to meet in a secret place in order to talk about strategies and plans for the tournament. You knew that this was a special occasion to get closer to Mary, and to see her magic smile once more.
You didn't have anything in mind. You counted on Mary so much that you wanted her to scheme the whole plan. After all, that would be the dynamic of the team. She was supposed to be the brain of the team, and you were going to be the heart of it, or rather, the queen of hearts.

—Alright, let's set some common points before the tournament —Mary said with an assertive posture.

—We've got to be able to communicate with each other, somehow. So we should make our own language, a language that can only be understood by us. What about raising our eyebrows? You know, we can use morse to do that. The only issue with that is that the other participants probably know morse too... We can also reverse it. We can communicate through morse but with the words reversed, so that no one will understand it.

You noticed how Mary's voice was getting higher with every word. You didn't want to interrupt it at all, because you love the way she speaks when she takes the leading role. It gives you confidence and comfort, the kind of comfort you feel when someone you look up to is around you to protect you.

—Another thing! If we want to win this, we have to make sure that no one is cheating. So, what if one of us pays more attention to the other players while the other one prepares the plays? Of course, we can rotate that role, depending on the game. This will be useful not to step on each other's plans, in case we can't communicate during the game.
Also, we can boost the rival's confidence by making a bad performance during the first part of the games, and then winning the game in the last part. You probably know that technique, I used it against you some time ago —you felt like Mary wanted to blink at that moment, but she chose not to do it for obvious reasons —. So, what do you think? Why do you keep staring at me without saying anything?

—Oh, Mary, your eyes look so beautiful when you're excited! —you said —. You make me want to play the tournament right away.
Mary's reaction to that comment wasn't too cheerful.

—Okay, okay. Just to clear out, I'm not excited to play with you, I'm excited to win this tournament. Because we will win.

—Isn't that the same thing? —You said, while you took Mary's hand gently —. After all, I'll make you win the tournament.
—You better.

—You know nothing can go wrong if you're with me. We proved to be the best team possible, at every competition. Especially if the competition is related to heartbeats —You laughed with a light shame. You will never let Mary forget about how her heartbeat increased when you hugged her. And you will never forget the pleasure you felt in that hug —. I wonder if Yumeko has already signed up for the contest...

—Oh, Yumeko...

A shadow appeared in front of you abruptly. A shadow with Yumeko's shape, a shape that was impossible not to recognize. You swiftly knew who that shadow was when you heard an exuberant voice saying:

—Hey girls! What were you talking about?

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