Chapter 12

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You were finally with Mary again. You had so much to tell her. A lot of news, positive news. You wanted to see her smile, you couldn't stand another second looking at her sad face anymore.

—Saotome! I've got to talk to you today.

She seemed happy to see you, but her depressing aura was still there. She was truly destroyed after that losing streak that turned her into a housepet.

—Hey —she said —. What's up?

—You won't believe it. Do you remember the game Yumeko and I were supposed to play?
She did a brief expression of surprise.

—Yes, I do remember that. What happened in the end?

—Well, let's say I won —you did a bold smile after saying that —. But that's not the only thing I want to tell you.

—Wait, what? —Mary was clearly perplexed. If she had to explain what she felt in that moment, she just couldn't do it —. How did you do that?
—That's something I'll explain you later!

—Tell me! —Mary said, putting her and on your shoulder —. I need to know.

—Are you sure you don't want to hear the other new? I assure you it's way more interesting —you said and smirked.

—Well... If you say so.

—Yumeko Jabami's now a housepet.

Mary didn't know how to react. She looked like she had all the facial expressions existing at the same time.

—(Y/N), if you're joking with me right now, just stop it. It's not the right moment to do something like that.

—What do you mean? Do you think I would do that kind of thing to you?

You worried for a second, but then you remembered that the situation wasn't surprising. Mary was always like that, and she would eventually believe you.

«It's just her attitude —you thought —. It is, in fact, kind of cute».

You explained the whole situation to Mary. She looked really surprised, but in the deep side of her heart, she counted on you. She knew you were able to do it, and you realized that. After all, Mary acted differently with you. And you acted differently with her.

—That's... good —Mary wanted to say much more, but she didn't dare to —. It makes me want to praise you, but I don't do that.

—Awww! —you said sadly —. Now that you said that, I really want you to praise me. What must happen to make you praise me?

—Well —she stopped looking at you. At least directly —, I should be forced to do it.

—Aren't you a housepet now? —you knew exactly what you had to do to make her praise you.

You wondered whether you should do it or not, since it could make Mary uncomfortable. It was a big dilemma. In the end, you took the risk

—. Please praise me! It's an order.

—What am I supposed to say now? I don't know how to praise

You realized Mary was already red when she said that. Keeping that in mind, you went easy on her.

—Just say something like "You're amazing". I've always wanted to hear that coming from your mouth.

—Fine... —Mary sighed as she said that, and her voice turned noticeably deeper —. You're amazing. Are you happy now?

You were happier than ever. You wanted to hug Mary so badly, but that might not be the best moment to do it. You didn't realize, but you were a bit red too.

—I am so happy right now! Thank you.

—Don't forget that I wouldn't have said that if I hadn't been ordered to! —Mary said with an angry tone.

You knew that. But it was also true that she said she wanted to praise you. So you felt happy after all.

—Anyway! —Mary elevated her voice when she said that —. What about me? How are we going to get me out of this position?

«Changing the topic of conversation suddenly —you thought —. How smart. I didn't expect less of Mary, so I can't complain».

—I heard there was a debt settlement party somewhere... Maybe you can participate there. You'd find Yumeko too.

Mary got a huge inspiration after hearing that. A lot of ideas came to her mind, but she didn't want to express any of them yet. Her fate was finally coming down to meet her, and she just had to chase it.

—Let's try that then! —she said —. It's such a pity that you won't see me there though...

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