Chapter 21

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You were waiting for the guests to arrive. You had gotten your parents out of the house so it was just you and a few servants in the house. After all, you did live in a mansion and you couldn't keep it tidy by yourself. Yumeko and Ryoto arrived early, just like you agreed. You put up decorations, got the snacks out and made everything look pretty and presentable.
Of course, you made the desserts and cakes yourself. You really wanted to hear Mary compliment and enjoy them. Now all you had to do was wait for the star of the show to arrive.

Mary arrives about an hour later than everyone else. She knocks on the door, and you rush to open it, preparing yourself mentally before you do. You finally open the door and see Mary standing there. She looked very different now that she wasn't wearing her school uniform. You couldn't help but blush upon seeing her look so cute.

—Mary!~~ You look so pretty!!— You squeal, not daring to hug her.

Mary blushed a little but clearly seemed pleased.

—I know that. You don't look too bad yourself.

That comment made you very happy as you let her in. As you closed the door, Mary looked surprised upon seeing the big sign that said "Happy Birthday Mary!". Then she noticed Yumeko and Ryoto standing there. She seemed a little disappointed but also... happy?

—HAPPY BIRTHDAY!— You all yell together as Yumeko pops a confetti popper, causing Mary to startle a little.

You all go get some sweets and cake as you start talking. You felt really happy, seeing Mary at least somewhat get along with everyone. You looked at Mary intensely as she took her first bite out of the cake. Her face lit up, making you giggle.

It was time to give the presents. Yumeko and Ryoto had bought her a pink deck of cards and some sweets. Mary did seem pretty satisfied with them. Now it was your turn.

—Here! I hope it's to your liking...— You say, feeling very nervous.

Mary carefully takes the gift from your hands as she opens it up. Inside, there was a card that you had made for her. You had put a lot of thought and effort into it, so you were honestly proud of yourself. In the card you basically compliment Mary and tell her how much she means to you. You also included some of Mary's favorite sweets and a cute little phone charm.

—I got us matching ones!

You pull out your phone, showing the matching charm hanging on it.

Mary blushed as she looked at the presents and then you.

—Thanks..! I like it. I really do.— Mary smiled.

That smile made your heart skip a beat. It wasn't her usual cocky smile that she showed to everyone. It was a sweet, vulnerable smile. It felt like Mary was finally showing you a side of her she never showed anyone. You couldn't help but hug her, and she hugged you back. Mary put the charm on her phone and it was finally time for the fun activities to begin.

Besides, what could be more fun than playing games?

♡ Gamblers to lovers♡ (Mary Saotome x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt