Chapter 5

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You were packing her bag at home, getting ready for another day. You braided your (h/c) hair and put on your uniform. And instead of one bento, you packed two. After Mary's fight yesterday, she was all you could think about.

Her attitude.

Her confidence.

Her golden hair and eyes.

You couldn't help but feel embarrassed as you kept on fangirling after Mary.

So what did you do? You made a bento for her.
You knew Mary probably wouldn't accept it, but you wanted to make it for her nonetheless.
You smiled brightly and left for school.


It was lunchtime, and you were looking around for Mary, with two bentos in a cute little canvas bag.

You found Mary sitting all alone in the classroom, looking out of a window. You didn't even seem to have any food.
«Perfect!» you thought to herself.
You walked closer quietly and softly knocked on her table, trying not to startle her.
Mary did get startled anyways, as she quickly turned her head around and looked at you. For a moment her face showed clearly how she was surprised, and almost even glad to see her. She quickly regained her composure though and wore her usual cold look.

—What are you doing here?— Mary asked her coldly. She wasn't mad at you, that's just how Mary always sounded.

—Well, I came looking for you! I made you some bento yesterday, and I was hoping we could eat together.—you proposed and smiled sweetly.

Even though you smiled all the time, whenever you were with Mary, your smile was genuine.
Mary couldn't help but blush a little bit. Her chest felt warm and fuzzy, but wasn't sure why. She couldn't of course show that feeling to you. Not yet at least.

—Fine. But only because I didn't have time to make food for myself. Not because I want to taste your food!— Mary claimed with pride.

You smiled and put their bentos on the table. Mary opened hers. She didn't want to admit it, but the food did look good.
Mary took a pair of chopsticks and took a bite.

«This is actually good...» Mary thought to herself, slightly surprised.

Mary tried not to show that she enjoyed
it, but you could tell she enjoyed it. You decided not to tease Mary by saying something, so they both started eating in silence.
It wasn't an uncomfortable silence, quite the opposite actually.


You were gambling after school and you had just won. No one was surprised, it was known that you were good at gambling. You didn't even look very happy about it though.

«That was so boring... I miss Mary» You thought to yourself as you sighed. You missed the sensation you would get when gambling with Mary.

—Did you hear? There's a new student here who apparently has been winning many games!— someone said.

You couldn't help but eavesdrop. Who were they talking about?

—Yeah I did! I heard she bet a lot of money even for a small gamble!

—What's her name?

—I think it was Yumeko Jabami...

«Yumeko Jabami, huh?» you thought. You had a feeling things were going to get interesting.

♡ Gamblers to lovers♡ (Mary Saotome x reader)Where stories live. Discover now