Chapter 27

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It was Monday, and you were looking for Mary again. In another time, you would get really worried about her, but with time you started to understand that Mary's attitude was just like that. However, you couldn't avoid the feeling of wanting to see Mary, the urge to use your arms to hug her was stronger than you.
After a while searching, you finally found her. You reached out to her in order to start a conversation, but you realized she was focused on something else. There was a big announcement all over the wall, that stated:

" The ultimate gambling tournament

During the course of the next week, one of the biggest events in the history of the school will be held. It will consist of a tournament starting from the round of sixteen, and getting to the big final against the student council. The rewards for winning this tournament are big, but keep in mind that the punishments for losing might be quite big too.

Requirements to participate                       
In this tournament, single individuals won't be able to participate. Everyone must join a team, and the team must have a name, a logo, and a little back story (This can be made up). These features might be used during the games, so they're quite important.
We invite everyone to participate in this tournament. Good luck to everyone!

-The student council".

—What's up, Mary? —you said with curiosity.

—This thing... This sounds so familiar for a reason. I feel like I've already played in this tournament, but it's the first time I hear about it.

—Well, I would be lying if I said that it doesn't sound enticing.

—It does —she said, and started staring at you with her intimidating eyes —. You read the last part, right? The thing about the teams...

You nodded. You knew where this was going. However, you wanted to hear it directly from Mary's mouth. That would make you way happier.

—What you said the other day —Mary said, looking a bit more gentle now —, I think it was totally wrong! I don't depend on anyone to beat any kind of record! What I do works out good enough for me. But, just for this time... Can you be my teammate?

Your happiness increased to an unbelievable level after hearing that.

—Mary, I love you so much! I accept being your teammate gladly.

—Thanks! Sometimes you're useful —Mary said, trying to cover her embarrassment. She was asking you to be her teammate! That only happens once in a lifetime.

—Mary, I promise I'll make you agree with what I said after the bull game —you claimed and winked —. We'll be unstoppable together.

—You better go all out at any moment in the tournament. Anyway... We've got to choose a name and a logo.

—Don't worry about that! I'll come up with something during the night, and show it to you tomorrow. What do you think?

—Fair enough —Mary said, facing towards her classroom and ready to leave —. I'll try to come up with something too. See you.

—Have a good class, Mary!


During the night, Mary's head was full of futile thoughts. That tournament thing... The whole idea of it sounded familiar for her. If she was another kind of person, she would just assume that it was a sort of dejà vù. But that wasn't an option for her, she needed an explanation.

—Wait —she said out loud in her room —, the dream! The dream in which (Y/N)'s nickname was revealed to me. Wasn't it about a tournament in which the last round was against the student council? I need to tell her about this. This could be our backstory —after saying that to herself, she realizes how weird it would be to admit something like that
—. What am I even thinking? I don't want other people to know that the idea of the team was mine. And if I told her about this... She'd try to hug me again. Geez, what did I get myself into.

♡ Gamblers to lovers♡ (Mary Saotome x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt