Valentine's Day special

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You're waiting for Mary in your class. It's lunch break and you're about to eat together like you always do. But today is a special day. It's Valentine's Day. You had a few things prepared for Mary. You had made her chocolate (yes, you made the chocolate yourself), written another letter and bought a rose. Mary finally arrived in the classroom, waving at you. She sits on the opposite side of your desk as you two face each other.

—Hey.— Mary greets you.

—Hi!— You reply, handing Mary her lunch for today.

Mary takes the chopsticks and gets ready to eat but you stop her.

—Wait! I have something to give you...

You reach your hand into your bag and you pull out the gifts. You give Mary a bright smile.

—Happy Valentine's Day Mary! I love you!~~

Mary blushed a little as she accepted your gifts. She seemed to like them.

—Did you make these?—Mary asked, taking a bite out of the chocolate.

—Yeah! Is it okay?

Mary's face changes a little as she seemed... disgusted??

—These are pretty bitter. Is this dark chocolate?

You quickly take a bite. It does taste bitter. They were supposed to taste sweet though. You groan as you lay your head on the desk.

—I'm so sorry Mary! I knew I should've practiced first...

Mary smirks a little and tries to hold in her laughter. She apparently found this side of you cute.

—That's okay. They may taste bad but you still put a lot of thought and effort into it. Thank you.

Mary hesitated before quickly leaning in and placing a kiss on top of your head. You quickly lift your head up, looking at Mary. Mary glared at you, clearly telling you to not say a word about it. You smile brightly.

«Oh Mary...! You're so cool!!»

Mary hands you a little pouch under the desk. It's as if she was trying to make sure that no one saw it.

—Here. Mine definitely taste better than yours.—Mary said confidently.

You look inside the pouch and see your favorite cookies. You didn't know how Mary always knew what you liked.

—Thanks!~ I'll eat them later so I can really enjoy them!

Mary blushed a little at your comment, clearly happy you liked them. It seems like she was a bit nervous as well.

—Happy Valentine's Day, idiot.

♡ Gamblers to lovers♡ (Mary Saotome x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang