Chapter 24

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You stand there shocked, not knowing what to do, as your parents step out of their car. You open the door to see if it was really them, and that's when they noticed you. Your father smiles sweetly as they finally walk up to you.

—Hello my little angel!~— He said cheerfully as he pets your head.

—Hey! You guys are back early... didn't you say you were going to be gone longer?— you ask nervously.

—Yes, well, one of our appointments got canceled so we just decided to come home.— your mother answered with a strict tone.

That's who your parents were after all. Your father was sweet and caring just like you, and your mother... She was also caring but just in her own way.
You were thinking about how to explain this all to Mary, but it was a bit too late as Mary came back from the bathroom. She was just as shocked as you when she saw your parents.

—Oh! Who is this young lady?— your father asked curiously.

—Uh- I'm Saotome Mary. It's nice to meet you...— Mary said politely, quickly realizing the situation.

You looked at Mary with an apologetic look. Your mother kept looking at Mary with a cold look in her eyes, not saying anything.

—ANYWAYS, let's go to my room Mary! We don't want to bother my parents— you say quickly and take Mary's hand, leading you two to your bedroom.

Your father and mother exchange a look. They knew your friend was special. She was the first friend in ages you brought home.
You let out a sigh of relief as you close the room to your door.

—I'm so sorry about that, Mary. I didn't know they'd come back so soon.
Mary gives you a small but comforting smile.

—That's okay...

Mary looked around your room. It was pretty big, and you hadn't decorated it much. You did have a couple of plushies on your bed, which caught Mary's attention. She pointed them out, causing you to get embarrassed.
You both sit on your bed, not saying anything. The silence felt comfortable and relaxing after many hours of having fun and being energetic. You look down at Mary's hand and she glances at yours. Mary turns her head away from you and touches your pinkie with hers. You blush a little, intertwining your pinkies together. It wasn't the same as holding hands, but it still made you both embarrassed.

—I should go home soon. It's actually getting late.— Mary finally said, breaking the silence.

You frowned a little. You knew she was right but you didn't want her to leave. You nodded, as you couldn't bring yourself to say anything. After a while Mary did leave. You saw her off before returning to the living room where your parents were.

—So, Mary Saotome. I noticed she doesn't come from a wealthy family.— your mother said coldly, starting the conversation.

You looked down at your hands. You didn't like to argue with your parents.

—Yes I know. But she's a good friend. I care a lot about her.

Your mother looks at you. She finally nods.

—Whatever makes you happy. Just don't forget you represent our family, okay?

—Of course! Thank you mom!— You smile brightly, hugging your mom. She chuckles a little as you leave the room.


At home, Mary was reading the card you gave her. It made her very flustered. Most of the things were stuff you said to her daily, but having them written out like that, Mary could really feel the meaning behind your words. As Mary's chest continued beating wildly, she had no choice but to start accepting this feeling she couldn't quite name yet. She knew that she cared about you, but was she ready to admit how much?

♡ Gamblers to lovers♡ (Mary Saotome x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora