Ch1: Plum Blossom

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A/N: In the og the friend didn't have a name

Words: 1050 

┌─── ∘°❉ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ❉°∘ ───┐


Your eyes dart to the cracked bathroom door some ways away from where you lay on your bed. You narrow your eyes, how long has that sink been dripping for? It feels like it's been like that forever, but that doesn't stop your hatred for the noisy intrusion.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n), helloooo?" Your attention is redirected to your friend, Imani, on the phone.

"Sorry," You say, "I just got a little..."


"Distracted?" Imani offers.

"Yeah," You laugh, "It's that damn faucet... I've got to get that fixed." You roll over and stare at the ceiling, mindlessly counting the uneven textures.

"What you've got to do," Imani starts, "Is get a job. So you have the money to fix your sink."

You laugh. It's not funny, you really do need to get a job, but Imani has a way of saying things that can make the most stressful things in your life seem small.


But not invisible. You groan and press your head into a pillow.

"Okaaay I'll go get a job, I'm going." You whine.

"Wait, I didn't mean right now-" You hang up.

You exhale. It's quiet. It's cold. The sink is still dripping. You decide it's probably best for you to go downstairs. You get up and leave your room, taking care not to fall down the stairs that start way too close to your bedroom door. You're not quite sure what to do once you're downstairs. You stand in the living room, then the kitchen before opting to sit at the circular dinner table that's in between them both.

You glance at the clock, it's 2pm. You can't imagine working some cubicle or coffee shop at this time, you basically just woke up. As much as you do not dream of labor your savings are only getting you so far and damn it you can still hear the faucet-


Your head snaps to face the front door. Was that a knock? Tentatively, you peak your head out the front door, seeing only a newspaper on the porch. You grab it and go back inside, getting a plum from the kitchen before settling back at the dinner table. You glance over the job ads, nothing sounds appealing. That is, until you see some cartoon looking bear.

"Freddy Fazbear's Pizza." You murmur. It's a nightshift, so you wouldn't have to wake up early. You don't have any experience in security, but the worst they can say is "no", right?

You dial the number and are immediately sent to hold. Nice. At least the music is calming. Just as you take a bite out of your plum the hold music cuts off.

"Hello? Hello, hello, this is Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, we're open." The man on the other end of the phone sounds caught off guard. 'Maybe he just woke up too', you think.

"Um, hi," You cringe at your voice, "I'm calling about the security position? If that's still open-"

"Oh, yes of course, it's still open!" The man sounds borderline ecstatic, "Can you start tonight?"

"Uhhh," You really hadn't expected this to be so easy, "Yeah I can."

"Perfect! You know where to find us. We'll have your uniform at the pizzeria tonight, just show up at 12, it's pretty self explanatory. Good luck!" He hangs up.

You hadn't actually expected that to work. You send Imani a quick text informing her that you actually got a job. Your autocorrect changed "Fazbear's" to "Fast Bear's" but judging by her quick response of "BRUH THAT PLACE IS HAUNTED DEADASS" Imani understood you just fine.

After some more texting and frantic googling you discovered the many rumors of recycled pizza and ghosts and most concerningly, missing children. No wonder they need a security guard, supposedly some kids went missing back in the 80s and are haunting the restaurant. Not that you believe that stuff, besides this nightshift position almost seemed too good to be true.

You look at the clock again. You probably have to leave at around 11:30 to get to Fazbear's on time, meaning you have about nine hours of free time right now. You smile and promptly take a nap on the living room couch.

─── ∘❉(・⊝・)❉∘ ───

The drive to Fazbear's isn't bad. The roads are empty and there's no crazy turns. The lack of distraction gives you ample opportunity to think about those rumors you read about. Imani seemed to believe them, but she also believes in fairies, so. You decide to play it safe, as long as you don't give the supposed spirits reason to be mad at you they'll probably leave you alone.

You pull up to Fazbear's perfectly empty parking lot. It's almost 12 and the lights are all on. You push on the door and find that it's unlocked. Your eyes are immediately drawn to the three animatronics on the stage. A bunny, a bear, and a chicken. You know they're built for children's entertainment, but they do look kind of unnerving. They're large, way taller than in any pictures, and their eyes look down like they can really see what's in front of them. They don't look realistic but something about them makes them seem lively, it feels wrong to see them stand still. You pry your eyes away from the robots and find your uniform folded up on the table. To your surprise, there's a note attached.

Hope you're a medium, it's all we had

See you on the flipside


Scott, that must be the guy on the phone from earlier. You grab your uniform and look at the animatronics again. You walk forward, stopping in front of the stage. Here goes nothing.

"Hi, um, I'm the new security guard here. I hope that's okay." Of course you get no response, "My friend told me that this place is haunted, and I just wanted to say that if that's true, I'm sorry. It sounds really lonely to be cooped up in here all day. Maybe, we could be friends? I could bring you stuff from outside like games or something to pass the time..? My friend was probably just pranking me, God, I'm sorry."

Your face heats up with embarrassment as you walk to the office, unaware of the three pairs of animatronic eyes tracking you. 

└─── °∘❉U ・ × ・ U❉∘° ───┘

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