Chapter Ten - Truth

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A/N: ngl I forgot what's going on in this story so I have to reread before continuing to write lolll

"I'm gonna do it today." Sunghoon blurts. Jake, who was sleeping on his shoulder, suddenly sat up hearing the voice.

"What?" He asks, half in a daze.

"I'm going to talk to Sunoo today."

", man." Jake closes his eyes and snuggles against Sunghoon's shoulder again. Sunghoon sighs and allows it, knowing the older would throw a fit if he tried to refuse. He sits back and his thoughts start wandering.

Maybe this is what he needed. Maybe talking to Sunoo would help him move on.

Or the opposite. It might make him even more attached.

All he knew was that he was tired of feeling inferior to Sunoo.

Arms wrap tightly around his own and Sunghoon looks down at Jake, who was clinging to him while sleeping.

So clingy.


Sunghoon shakes his head and resists the urge to run his fingers through Jake's soft looking hair. Why would he even think of doing that? Maybe he was tired too, and that's why he was thinking strange things.

A few more minutes pass silently before Sunghoon looks down at him again. When he's asleep, Jake looks younger. Eyes soft and lips in a slight pout, his body completely relaxed against Sunghoon. He can't help but stare and study Jake's face; all the small imperfections that made him so handsome.


Right, it's okay to think your friend is handsome. There's nothing weird about that.

What's weird is catching yourself looking at their lips a few seconds too long. Because they look soft.

Sunghoon forces his eyes away and shakes Jake's shoulder.

"We're almost there, wake up." Sunghoon doesn't look at him as he speaks, too ashamed from whatever strange thought had just run through his mind.

Jake doesn't respond, but he sits up and stares straight ahead, trying to take in his surroundings. That was a good nap. Surprisingly, Sunghoon's shoulder was comfortable. When he turns to look at the younger, he realizes he's facing away from him. Maybe he doesn't feel like talking.

But Jake knew he was always willing to listen.



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