Ch 23: Mi Amor

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I entered Namjoon's kitchen, greeted by the aroma of spices and the sizzle of something delicious on the stove. Namjoon, clad in a casual apron, grinned as he stirred a pot on the stove. "Hey, Jiah! Ready to become master chefs today?"

I chuckled, rolling up my sleeves. "Absolutely. What's on the menu?"

"We're making my special kimchi fried rice," he replied, handing me a bowl of pre-cut vegetables. As we diced and chopped, our conversation flowed effortlessly.

"So, any plans for the weekend?" Namjoon asked, his eyes focused on the vegetables but his attention clearly on me.

"Yeah, Yuna, Minji, and I were thinking of checking out that new art exhibition downtown," I replied, stirring the ingredients in the pan. "You're welcome to join us."

Namjoon's eyes twinkled. "Sounds great, but I was thinking maybe we could have a movie night here. What do you say?"

I smirked, teasingly. "Trying to steal us away from our girls' night, Namjoon?"

He winked, adding soy sauce to the sizzling pan. "Just trying to win some extra points with the ladies."

After successfully preparing the kimchi fried rice, we sat down to eat. The flavors exploded in my mouth, a testament to Namjoon's culinary skills. As we enjoyed the meal, the atmosphere was cozy, and the conversation effortlessly switched between lighthearted banter and deeper topics.

After clearing our plates, Namjoon suggested, "How about that movie now?"

We settled into his room, where a massive television dominated the space. As the movie played, I couldn't help but be aware of Namjoon's subtle flirting. He casually draped his arm over the back of the couch, and now and then, our fingers brushed. His laughter at the movie's jokes seemed just a little too genuine.

"So, Jiah," he said during a particularly quiet moment in the film, "what's your idea of a perfect weekend?"

I leaned back, contemplating. "Probably good food, great company, and maybe exploring something new. How about you?"

Namjoon's gaze lingered on mine. "Pretty much the same. Maybe add a bit of adventure to the mix."

I raised an eyebrow, playfully challenging him. "Adventure, huh? Like what?"

He grinned, his eyes dancing with mischief. "Well, that's for the weekend to decide."

The movie continued, but our attention drifted as the subtle tension between us grew. Namjoon's arm found its way around my shoulders, and I felt the warmth of his proximity. His fingers traced patterns on my arm, and I couldn't deny the chemistry that crackled in the air.

As the movie credits rolled, Namjoon turned to me with a playful smirk. "What do you say we make this a regular thing? Movie nights at my place?"

I chuckled, enjoying the newfound closeness. "Sure, as long as you promise not to spoil every plot twist with your charming distractions."

Namjoon feigned innocence. "Who, me? Never."

As the evening turned into night, we lingered in the cozy space of his room, lost in conversation and occasional laughter.

The weekend plans with Yuna and Minji seemed to fade into the background, overshadowed by the magnetic pull between Namjoon and me. And as we continued to share stories and steal glances, it became evident that this ordinary afternoon had the potential to turn into something extraordinary.


Seated comfortably on Namjoon's plush couch, Minji, Yuna, and I were engrossed in the latest Korean drama that had captured our attention.

The characters' tumultuous love lives mirrored the complexities of their own, and the room echoed with occasional laughter and gasps as the plot unfolded on television.

"So, Jiah, spill the tea," Yuna said with a mischievous grin, turning away from the screen. "What were you and Namjoon up to when Minji and I went to the pharmacy?"

I chuckled, glancing at Yuna. "Oh, nothing much. We had lunch together and watched a movie in his room. He has a TV there too."

Minji raised an eyebrow, teasingly asking, "Just lunch and a movie? Nothing more?"

I hesitated, my eyes flickering. "Well, you know my brother, Hoseok. He's not exactly thrilled about me dating any of his friends, especially Namjoon. It's complicated."

Just then, Namjoon appeared in the living room, catching the tail end of their conversation. "Complicated? What's complicated?" he asked, a playful smile on his face.

Yuna and Minji exchanged knowing glances, amused by the subtle tension in the air. "We were just discussing Jiah's exciting day while we were out," Yuna replied, casting a teasing look at me.

Namjoon, ever the gracious host, suggested, "How about I prepare dinner for all of us? What do you think?"

Yuna and Minji nodded enthusiastically, leaving me slightly embarrassed by my friends' obvious approval. As Namjoon headed to the kitchen, my two friends bombarded him with questions, eager to know more about the man behind the scenes.

"So, Namjoon, what's your favorite type of cuisine?" Minji inquired, a playful glint in her eyes.

As he chopped vegetables, Namjoon replied, "I love experimenting with different cuisines, but I have a soft spot for Korean dishes. They remind me of home."

Yuna joined in, asking, "Any hidden talents or hobbies we should know about?"

Namjoon chuckled, his eyes crinkling. "Well, besides cooking, I enjoy writing and producing music. It's my way of expressing myself."

Meanwhile, I observed the scene, my conflicting emotions swirling beneath the surface. I couldn't deny the chemistry between Namjoon and my friends, but the unspoken tension regarding Hoseok's disapproval lingered in the air.

After Namjoon finished cooking, we all gathered around the dining table, the aroma of the meal enticing our senses. As we dug into the delicious spread, conversation flowed effortlessly.

Yuna, always the curious one, asked Namjoon about his childhood, prompting him to share amusing anecdotes that had everyone in stitches. Minji, on the other hand, delved into his aspirations and dreams, uncovering a layer of depth beyond his easygoing exterior.

I couldn't help but marvel at how effortlessly Namjoon connected with my friends, blending into the dynamic circle. However, as the evening progressed, Minji dropped another bombshell.

"So, Jiah, do you think there could be something more between you and Namjoon?" Minji asked, her eyes searching for a reaction.

I hesitated, torn between my feelings and my brother's unspoken wishes. "I... I don't know, Minji. I mean he's a great guy." I said as I felt my cheeks heating up.

"Well, thank you for the lovely compliment. You're an amazing person."

I looked at Namjoon, his gaze already found mine. A small smile was visible on his face. I thanked him before looking back down at my plate.

After dinner, Namjoon prepared the bed Yuna and Minji shared. He made sure that the bed was comfortable and the room's temperature was fine.

I was already looking for my pajamas. Before I changed into them, I decided to call my mom, to let her know that I was still alive and not dead somewhere. The phone call was very brief, it mainly consisted of my mom constantly nagging me always make sure that I was safe.

After the phone call, I quickly changed into my pajamas and climbed into bed. Namjoon entered the bedroom soon after, shirtless but he wore grey sweatpants. He climbed onto the bed and lay next to me.

"Did you enjoy your day?" He asked.

I nodded without saying a word. He smiled before planting a kiss on my forehead. "Goodnight, mi amor."


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