Hidden Insecurity

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"Enough both of you" I rolled my tongue against my cheek as Liv scoffed at me.
I watch as she goes to get herself a beer, a random Pogue offering to fill up her cup.
My jaw clenched as I watch him eye her boobs before giving her the cup.
That's when I press the button- three times.
I watch as she grabs his arms steadying herself, masking it with a laugh.
Look at her grabbing his arm while she's getting off, naughty girl.

"Hey" some brunette walks up to me, she was wearing shorts and some bikini top that wasn't to my taste.
Her tone was flirty and I huff slightly "not interested" I sip on my beer as her mouth dropped and she walked away embarrassed.
A little mean but true- I wasn't interested one bit.
"Yo what the hell man- she was totally hot. Your type too" Topper nudged my shoulder with his as Liv came wandering over, her walk off ever so slightly.

"Who?" She only heard half of the conversation and I wanted Topper to shut his mouth before he said something that would make me look bad.
"The brunette- over there is Rafe's type. She kinda looks like every hookup you've ever had" Topper bursts out laughing and my face scrunched up as I see Liv look over at the girl he was talking about.
They couldn't have been more different to look at.

"She's pretty" Liv nodded before sipping from her red solo cup, finishing it off.
"Actually man- you're kinda of a slut I'm pretty sure you've been with every woman ever. Brunette's, blondes, red heads and even that one girl who had pink hair" Topper seemed highly amused by my past hookups.
Yet it only made me feel insecure and not good enough for the girl stood right next to me.

She hadn't been with anybody but me. She'd waited and if she hadn't been with me she would still be a virgin. Not because she didn't have options- no she had plenty. Hell I'd been at parties before where loads of guys had said to Topper that they'd fuck his sister.
Topper obviously use to get annoyed but he soon got use to it- liv was beautiful and to most- untouchable.

But I was different. It didn't matter to me what they looked like. As long as I got what I wanted and they got what they wanted , what did it matter?
But it mattered to me now.
Anybody looking in- would see me as someone who was a man whore and had no respect for himself- which I didn't overly. I just wanted to fuck anything I could. Have fun. But now I was regretting ever doing so.

But Liv- she had respect. She didn't care that she was on the older side and still was a virgin.
She wasn't embarrassed nor did she let anybody speak to her like she should be.
"I can't remember man" I tried to play it off, act like I couldn't remember hooking up with so many girls. To be honest I didn't remember all of them- probably to drunk or high.
I feel Liv's eyes on me, studying me almost suspiciously.

"I'm gunna go get a refill- anybody want one?" She looked from me to Topper.
Kelce was no where to be found- probably talking to some girl.
"Nah I'm good" I smile as little, nodding my head as Topper also agreed he wasn't finished with his drink yet.
"Jesus" Tooper groans in disgust, making me frown.
"What?" I questioned, looking at him. Yet he wasn't looking at me.

"Look how many people are eye fucking my sister- maybe I'm lucky she likes to stay home. At least then I don't have to watch people drool over her" he couldn't help but scoff, I follow his eyes and he was right.
I could spot at least 3 people eye fucking her obviously and then there were others who would try to subtly glance but it was obvious that they wanted her too.
My heart beat picks up, I felt insecure.

This wasn't the first time I'd felt this way when it came to her.
If she wanted to dump me on my ass and go fuck someone else she could. Hell half these people would probably marry her if she asked.
Sure I could get hookups that came easy to me- but having someone actually like you was different.
People always saw Liv as stuck up, bitter and posh but as soon as she opens her mouth they all seem to regret thinking those things.
Whereas people thought I was an asshole and when I open my mouth that's only confirmed.

Dark side.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz