Chapter 11

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Jeremy had smiled to Gabriel though it slowly faded as he saw that Gabriel had stopped smiling. He raised a brow and said softly, "what's wrong.. uh.. I forgot your name.." he mumbled before he began to think really hard trying to remember it desperately though he then said "Freddy! Ahaha! I remembered Freddy!" Jeremy said proudly. Of course that was the only name he could remember, he then hugged Gabriel seeing that he was looking a bit sad so Jeremy hugged him tightly and then left a kiss on his cheek.
Gabriel looked to Fritz as soon as the kiss was placed on his cheek. He wondered if the boy would be judgemental or if he'd even care at all. Fritz had, more or less, taken after the fox character his soul had been bound to. He could be unpredictable with how he'd react to things at times. Nontheless, Gabriel would gently tug on Jeremy's arm. "You should return to Bonnie now, Jeremy. The puppet wanted me to bring you back since you ran off." He said gently, although his voice was glossed over with a hint of the crush both Gabriel and Freddy's subconcious mind had on Jeremy, and the bunny he took control of when the boy wasn't wandering outside of the suit.
Jeremy had then frowned a bit and said "do I have to..?" He asked softly and then heard Foxy coming out the closet. "I don't wanna.." he complained and soon heard the soft voice of Charlie, who possessed the puppet. "Jeremy.. it's time to return to your suit" the puppet said softly as she floated over to Jeremy and rested a hand on his shoulder. "B-but.. I don't wanna go back.." he pouted slightly. He really hated being trapped in the suit.., "I'm afraid you'll have to bear it just a bit longer.." the puppet said softly. Jeremy sighed softly and glanced at Gabriel, "ok.. fine..." he said softly and then looked to Gabriel and said "come on! I'll race you!" He giggled softly and then took off running out the room.
Gabriel didn't care much for the race, he did speed up his movements over the ground though he didn't really run. He honestly wanted to let Jeremy win. Make him feel better about having to return to Bonnie. He went slow for the most part, watching the boy go so quickly back towards the room his respective suit had been powered off in.
He wandered in after him, floating over to his own suit. He had forgotten what he had looked like inside of it. He frowned at the thought. Looking at the character he had loved so much in life, looking so.. lifeless... it sparked a thought in him. Was it truly as Charlie had put it, that it wasn't Freddy who was given life, but he himself, the lonely boy named Gabriel, who had been given a second chance? He tried to shake the thought away. Even now, possessing the suit, Gabriel told himself that he had a responsibility now. He had the freddles; The little cubs that were created for the bear character he possessed. He had to care for them. Raise them. Treat them how he had always longed for in life. But he also had another responsibility. Not one that anyone told him he had to take on, not one that was required of him... but one he took on out of his own concious choice. Taking care of Jeremy. Of Bonnie. Make him feel loved, teach him how to love others and trust again. As Gabriel re-entered his suit, he looked at Jeremy. He always seemed so sad around Bonnie. Even though that had been the character he had loved the most during his life. He wondered how different it would be if Jeremy, or any of them, had survived that day. Had been rescued. Or even if their bodies were found and buried, and the man behind their deaths arrested. Would they be able to rest then? He couldn't help but ponder the thought. It truly would always be a mystery.

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