Chapter 9

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Bonnie looked down still at the hat and his ears went down when he heard Freddy. "Maybe.. he's still rotting? We did scare him.. he ran into that suit we became 'free' but then we got trapped again and now we're here..—" he said before jumping a bit after hearing a voice. A deep scratchy voice, he looked up to see a golden bear but one could only assume it was Fredbear.
Bonnie listened and said " but.. he doesn't deserve to die... he would get to be free and we'd still be trapped here.. I realize that now."

After time had passed it had been three hours and it was now 12 am once again. It was always the same thing, they hunted down the boy and killed him over and over and over and over and over and....— again every single night. Though Bonnie wasn't really in the mood he was trying to get his suit clean and he was making Freddy help him.
While Freddy and Bonnie cleaned the oil off from where his tears had ran earlier a drip of water had seeped through a tear in his suit. Bonnie looked up as he looked at Freddy. He was sitting on the counter as Freddy cleaned the oil off. "A-awh! Y-you-you got w-water on th-the-the-the...." His eyes went black then became red again. "Wires!" He glitched as he slightly twitched a bit and crossed his arms. "Now I-I-I have to g-go back to p-p-pup-puppet." He complained slightly as he looked down. His voice going deep and quiet and then loud all at the same time.
Freddy sighed and picked Bonnie up, somewhat shaky at first since he wasn't usually supposed to put so much weight and pressure on the metal of his suit. He then carried Bonnie back into Nightmarionne's room and gave the puppet a guilty look. "This one's on me. He was crying and I went to clean the oil off once he felt a little better and I accidentally got a drop of water on Bonnie's wires. Can you take a look?" He explained, looking up as he asked the question.
Once arriving at Nightmarionnes room, Bonnie was placed down on to the work table and he listened to Freddy. He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms looking off, Bonnie then heard Nightmarionne and they said, "oh my... didn't I tell you both to be careful with water..?" He said and turned away getting some tools out. "I'll have to power you off Bonnie.." Bonnie nodded before he sighed softly. He began thinking about everything had happened in his life. He couldn't remember the last time he ever eaten anything.. let alone taste food or just anything in general.

Nightmarionne looked up at Freddy and said "you can stay or leave. Won't be long." She said softly and then went behind Bonnie before saying, "you might lose some of your memories when I do this. 3..2..1." Nightmarionne then shut Bonnie down.

Before Bonnie was powered down he heard Nightmarionne and his eyes widened and he said "what-" Bonnie was cut off by being shut down. Nightmarionne began working on Bonnie, he cleared out all the fried up wires and tightened lose screws back up. After an hour of working on Bonnie it was time for him to wake up again. Nightmarionne turned him on and Bonnie powered up, his eyes lighting and then out of nowhere he went into performance mode. His spirit Jeremy wasn't in the suit at the moment due to Bonnie being shut down for the time being. "Jeremy.. it's time to go back.." Nightmarionne said looking at him and then Jeremy shook his head and ran away, he giggled and hid away. He wanted to play hide and seek before he went back. "Hahaha!" He giggled from the closet in the crying child's room which he knew as Evan. "Ah.. how odd.. that's a first usually he goes back when I tell him too.." he looked up at Freddy and said "Gabriel.. do you wanna go look for him..?" She asked.

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