Chapter 10

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Freddy gave a small nod, moving closer to the floor and exiting the suit; Getting another glimpse of the pale complexion he had after death. He personally didn't prefer being called Gabriel anymore; He had grown accustomed to going by Freddy, to the point where his own birth name sounded alien to him, and he'd take a few moments longer to register he was being spoken to if his true name was used. It felt odd being without the suit; Almost as if the air was constantly cold and the only remedy was to be bound to the suit he had been forced into after he had been cruelly murdered. He pushed the thought away as he looked around for Jeremy, his whispy body more so floating rather than walking. Without a proper body it felt strange to walk or run, so instead Freddy more so hovered over the ground, the only good thing he knew of after his and the others' murders. "Jeremy?" He called out, not having seen the exact direction the boy had run off in. He knew he wanted at least one game before he returned to Bonnie, but he didn't know exactly where to look.
While Jeremy was hiding he was startled by foxy saying from the shadows, "Jeremy..?" Jeremy had been peaking out from the closet but once he had heard his own name, he froze up and then slowly looked behind him and seen Fritz, he had stepped out from Foxy and the suit was just sitting against the wall lifeless. "Ahh!!" He said accidentally tripping over a toy and falling backwards and out the closet. "Ow.." he gave a slight growl and then looked up at Fritz and said "Fritz! You're gonna get me caught!!" He pouted and then rolled his eyes and soon he began hearing footsteps. His eyes widened as he knew it was probably Freddy coming to find him. So he scrambled to get up and then ran into the closet and hid once more. Once inside he shoved Fritz inside too and hid with him, "ah, wait! Jeremy what are you—" Fritz had been cut off by Jeremy saying, "Shhh!!" He said and then peaked out through the crack in the closet doors, his eyes widened as he seen Gabriel walking around searching for him. As he watched Gabriel he let out a little giggle.
The ghostly boy looked around silently, a small frown on his face. He first checked down under the bed, seeing nothing and no-one there other than the shredded carpet from the freddles' antics. He then turned towards the closet, his vision failing him slightly since he failed to notice that Jeremy and Fritz were inside at first glance. However, he came over anyways and opened the doors, smiling slightly as he had now exposed the hiding boys. "Ah, there you are." He said, his voice rather monotone though with a hint of happiness under his usual tone of voice.
As Jeremy hid with Fritz he soon watched as Gabriel walked over and opened the closet door. Gabriel jumped a bit and then giggled before tackling Jeremy down. He laughed loudly as he wrapped his arms around him tightly hugging him. "Hahahaha!! Hey you found me!" He said happily. Gabriel hadn't really remembered his friends names.. he only knew that they were his friends. Because over time he was forgetting who he was and what happened on that day.
Gabriel only smiled, his gaze glazed over in a way that really showed how much he was forgetting. He couldn't remember the last time he had felt grass under his feet, the warmth of sunlight, or even the taste of what used to be his favorite food. He couldn't even remember his own family. Sure, he may recognize faces among a crowd, but with how much he had forgotten, he may have chosen to stay with his found family rather than return to the one he was born into. Afterall, they hadn't even looked for him after he had went missing. Had they? He couldn't remember after all these years. And it frustrated him that he couldn't remember. He wanted to remember, but he couldn't. Only fragments of who he used to be. A shell of his former self. So full of life and so optimistic about the world. So naive to think he could trust the man behind the mask. He only remembered his face. Never his voice, never what he wore. Only the face he had died to due to his trust. Unlike Jeremy, Gabriel hadn't developed issues with trusting others after death, or the fear to love someone... but he had developed a fear of any form of blade. Because all he could see when looking at them was what had cost him what he once had, and the fear that it would take what he has now away from him too.

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