Chapter 1

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Freddy was sat down in a random room, covered with the screaming, biting demons he had to call his children, or as everyone else called them, 'The Freddles'. In total there were five of them, and it was a constant battle to keep them from getting stepped on and out of trouble with everyone else's quite short tempers. On his own, Freddy was quite good at keeping the little cubs in line. However, when someone offered to help, he took no time to think when he would accept, always seeming exhausted when he had to take care of them. In his own defense, Freddy hadn't really asked for the freddles. They were sort of just dumped into his care one day and he didn't have much of a choice but to care for them. It's not like someone else was going to do it in this household. Most of the rest didn't really like kids, especially the kind that would randomly scream and bite unprovoked. To be honest, Freddy didn't like it either, but he could tolerate it.
Compared to everyone else, Freddy wasn't as social, more so keeping to himself and sleeping most of the time he wasn't being chewed on by his unwillingly adopted kids. If he interacted with anyone, it was most likely to be Bonnie. He swore that bunny had a way with words and could always help him with stress when he really needed it. On the contrary, the others like Foxy, Chica, and even Fredbear would only frustrate him more half the time. So he mainly kept away from them. And then there was Nightmare. Nobody really spoke to him; He was really the one everyone left alone unless they absolutely had to talk to him. That dark bear's aggression was unmatched by any of them and everyone knew it. So, they left him be. Freddy could only wish that they would do that with him. Most of the time he wanted to be alone and get what little sleep he could when he had five cubs nipping and biting him at all times, either screeching for food or wanting his attention for one reason or another.
However, now was one of the few times that Freddy wanted company. He had been in one room all day and had been kept from sleep by the cubs for the majority of that time so he was giving up on trying to get anymore rest than he had already gotten.
Rounding up the freddles onto his shoulders and into his arms Freddy stood up and left the room, a blank look on his face as he glanced around. He was looking for Bonnie. The bunny couldn't be too far, right? No one ever left the house, so there was a limited number of places he could be. The question was, was he already talking with someone else, and would Freddy be willing to interrupt them in order to be around the only other one in the household he truly enjoyed talking to?
Bonnie was laid by foxy having the back of his head on focus lap listening to one of the pirate tails foxy was telling him about while eating chocolate coins that foxy had given him. Though Bonnie wasn't the only listening to the story the crying baby himself was also listening as well. "So.. you and mangle were partners back then foxy?.. that's really cool.. he seems like he'd be a good pirate as well.." he said softly still listening to foxy the crying child now crawling on to Bonnie's stomach and laying there listening as well while yawning.
Bonnie had usually loved listening to one of foxys stories. They were really cool. But other times when he wasn't listening to the stories he was hanging out with Freddy. Though he didn't often especially when he was pissed off and having the little demon Freddles around pissed himself off more. Since he hated kids, especially the freddles but he could tolerate them sometimes other times he wanted to disassemble them.
Once foxy was done telling the story Bonnie took the small child on him and placed him in his bed covering him up, though he froze upon hearing the left door open. He looked back to see foxy closing the closet door and then seeing Freddy starting to walk in the room. Bonnie's eyes widened and immediately ran over to Freddy pushing him out the room and closing the door behind himself. Bonnie sighed softly and then smiled, "hey Fred.. did you.. need anything?" He asked as he smiled he loved talking to Freddy he also loved hanging around him just when the Freddles weren't there. I mean they weren't all so bad sometimes when Bonnie would watch them for Freddy he'd dumb them off on balloon boy and it usually worked.
Bonnie stood there looking at Freddy and even grabbing one of them Freddles off him. "Hey little buddy.. how you doing?" And with that Bonnie was bitten and he yelped almost throwing the little bear at the wall to get it to let go. "Ahh!! Freddy get it off!!" He said shaking his hand roughly, desperately trying to get it off his hand.
Freddy took the now growling freddle by the ears, pulling them towards each other, which forced the cub's mouth open. Freddy then picked them up by the back of the neck and plopped them onto his shoulder with one of their siblings; The little bear puffing up, hissing and spitting at Bonnie, swiping at the air like they were actually intimidating and not just an annoying little gremlin. "I told you to stop doing that." Freddy was talking to the freddle, even though half the time they didn't seem to understand what he was saying to them. Or they just didn't pay attention. "One day you're going to bite him and he's going to hurt you." The bear said sternly, though the cub didn't seem to be listening, only huffing and trying to fluff up to appear bigger and scarier; Neither of which were working. If anything, to the average human who didn't know what the cubs actually did, they'd just look cuter.
Freddy then turned his attention back to Bonnie, taking the bunny's hand to look at the bite mark and determine if he'd have to go get a towel to clean off any of the artifical fluids that they had in their bodies. It didn't appear too deep, but Freddy knew better than to say that because of that it wouldn't hurt. He knew from experience with the cubs that any bite from them no matter how minor was going to hurt and sting. When another freddle attempted to crawl down his arm and look at Bonnie's new bite mark, Freddy gently swatted them away. "No, you're not going to bite him too because your brother bit him first." He said, which earned a pout from the small bear but caused them to crawl back up his arm and then up onto his hat, slipping as Freddy slightly moved his head. "It doesn't look too bad, but I know better than to say that it doesn't hurt." Freddy commented to Bonnie, letting go of the bunny's hand and holding the guilty freddle in his arms where they could be held back so they didn't try to jump on Bonnie just to assault his hand again, which they protested at with hissing and squirming in their adoptive father's arms, occasionally trying to bite his arm and free themselves.
"You really should feel lucky that I defend you when you get smacked or thrown." Freddy mumbled to himself, looking at the ground with a hint of frustration in his expression.
Bonnie sighed as he watched the small Freddle get taken away from him. He let out a small growl as his purple eyes started to glow slightly as he was a bit mad that he just got bit after trying to be nice. Bonnie soon watched Freddy grab his hand and look at the bite mark while watching another freddle trying to look which earned a low growl from Bonnie. "I'm fine Fred.. really.." he said giving a soft smile. "But.. you should try and control them.. or let nightmare take care of them for a day.. geez.." he said softly and looked off to the side before rubbing the back of his head seeing how frustrated Freddy looked now.
Bonnie sighed once more before saying "ok.. that's it. You five are in trouble. Go to Fredbear now. And if you dare to run away and hide I swear I will find you and rip out your wires!" He growled and watched as the small freddles became scared of him just then. Bonnie's eyes were now red with anger from himself and from watching Freddy get mad. Bonnie then pointed away towards the direction Fredbear was in. "Go. Now!" He growled as he huffed and watched the small bears beginning to slide down Freddy and run away to Fredbear. "Dear god.. they're such a handful.. maybe you just have to be a bit rougher y'know..? I get you love them.. but Freddy there gonna make you shut down.." he sighed before looking Freddy in the eyes and then said "well.. now that they're gone.. wanna go to the attic...? You can rest there, and.. maybe we could.. y'know.. cuddle a little..? It'll help ya Fred~" he smiled and then ruffled Freddy's head putting his hat on.
Though Bonnie and Freddy weren't really together Bonnie acted as if they were. But the truth was he did like Freddy.. a lot. Ever since they met.
Freddy's ear twitched as he faintly heard Fredbear saying "Ah, I've been appointed babysitter again. Great." With sarcasm in his tone. He sighed, looking over at Bonnie.
"If Nightmare wouldn't kill them the second that he's left alone with them, I would. You know he's the most aggressive out of all of us and has the shortest temper. I really don't trust that he won't attack them in the first five minutes." Freddy grumbled tiredly, rubbing his forehead as he felt a migraine coming over him. He blinked, looking down the hallway. "If you want to that badly, then I will." He finally agreed, turning to start walking down the hallway.
Bonnie listened to Freddy as he kept his hat on and smiled softly before saying "well it wouldn't to try... and plus you can always the marionette to revive them.. he is the strongest.. he's the one who brought us back to life remember?" He said and smiled. Though he then heard Freddy agree and he smiled even bigger showing a few of his sharp teeth and then grabbed Freddy's hand before he then dragged Freddy up to the attic. Though Bonnie soon put Freddy's hat back on his head, Bonnie then let go of Freddy's hand and began fixing a comfortable spot for the both of them to lay on.
Once it was done Bonnie sat down and then opened his arms up to Freddy. "Come on papa bear!" He said as he smiled his ear twitching slightly hearing something downstairs. He just ignored it as he looked Freddy in the eyes. "Come, lay down."

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