Louise blushed, her cheeks flushing beneath his touch. "And I you, my darling," she replied softly.

Sebastian gazed into her eyes, his expression filled with adoration and longing. He leaned forward, brushing his lips against hers in a tender kiss that made her heart skip a beat. As their lips moved together, she could feel the heat building between them, the desire growing more insistent with each passing moment. His hands roamed over her body, tracing delicate patterns on her skin, as if he were memorizing every inch of her. Just then they heard a footstep in the hallway outside. Startled, they quickly left each other's embrace and stood several feet apart, as if nothing had happened. Katherine appeared at the doorway.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" Katherine asked, raising an eyebrow as she surveyed the situation.

"Oh, um, we were just discussing the recent news," Sebastian stammered, clearing his throat. "Katherine, did you hear that the king has declared war on France?"

"Is that so?" Katherine said, clearly not believing it for a second. "Very well then. Carry on with your...'discussion.'" she teased whilst laughing and retreating from the doorway.

At the door, Katherine paused and called back teasingly, "Good day to you...'Mother.'" Then she darted away, giggling. Louise and Sebastian looked at each other in shock for a moment before dissolving into relieved laughter. Sebastian wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling Louise close once more. "I think we've been caught," he whispered into her ear, nibbling lightly on it.

"Indeed, we have," she replied, her voice shaky with amusement. "But I don't think she suspects anything more than us being close." He smiled, leaning down to kiss her again. His tongue teased the seam of her lips, and she opened to him eagerly. Their kiss deepened; their bodies pressed tightly together. They could hear the rustling of papers in the library and the distant murmur of voices in the manor, but it seemed to fade into the background as their need for each other grew more insistent.

Louise was in the midst of explaining British parliamentary procedure to Katherine when there was a knock at the door. Louise went to open the door and there stood Sebastian. He entered the study leaving Louise shocked and confused.

"Good afternoon, my dear," Sebastian said, as he approached Katherine and took a seat.

"And what brings you here, father?" Katherine asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, I simply wanted to observe today's lesson," Sebastian replied lightly.

Katherine gave him an incredulous look. "Don't you have legal business to attend to?" she asked pointedly.

"Not at all! My schedule is free," Sebastian claimed unconvincingly.

Katherine glanced between him and Louise, a knowing smile forming. "Very well, carry on then." She turned back to her desk, effectively dismissing them both.

As Louise continued the lesson, she felt Sebastian's eyes on her, full of mischief. His presence made her heart race and her cheeks flush. He winked playfully, causing her to stumble over her words. Katherine hid a smirk behind her hand.

Finally, Louise marched over to Sebastian. "Sir, you are proving quite the distraction today. Perhaps it's best you take your leave." Her voice was firm, but there was a hint of playfulness in her eyes.

"But I am learning so much!" Sebastian protested in faux innocence. "Besides, I think our dear Katherine could use some company while she works." He gave Katherine a meaningful look, which caused her to hide a smile behind her hand.

Katherine laughed. "Father, I think your 'supervision' has concluded for today."

Louise took Sebastian's arm and led him toward the door into the hallway. "Now sir, I must insist you stop disrupting these lessons with your antics," she chided him playfully. "You know how much Katherine values my input." Sebastian grinned at her, clearly enjoying the banter.

"I shall leave on one condition," Sebastian bargained, a sly smile playing on his lips.

"Oh? And what is that?" Louise asked, playing along.

"A kiss, my lady - three of them," Sebastian requested, his gaze steady and intense. "It's only fair, given how much you've enjoyed my company today."

Louise pretended to consider it then leaned in and briskly pecked his cheek. "Fine, you win." She pecked his other cheek. As she went for a third, Sebastian suddenly turned his head, so her lips met his in a soft, surprised kiss. Their lips moved together, his hands cupping her face as they shared the kiss. When they finally broke apart, Katherine was standing in the doorway, a smirk playing on her lips.

"Finally! I thought you'd never get together," Katherine teased with a grin, though there was a hint of genuine amusement in her voice. "I suppose that means it's time for me to return to my studies. Father, if you insist on me learning, then I suggest you allow my governess to teach me in peace from now on." She gave her father a wink as she turned and walked back into the study, shutting the door behind her.

"I blame you!" whispered Louise, her cheeks flushed. "You distracted me with your... charm!" She smiled, feeling the warmth of his hands on her face. Sebastian leaned in closer, his eyes meeting hers. "You know you enjoyed it, my dear. And who says we have to stop at just three?" He kissed her again, his lips moving softly against hers. As their embrace deepened, they were no longer aware of the study door opening and closing behind them.

"Miss Louise! Please come and teach me! I can't concentrate on my lessons!" Katherine's voice echoed through the hallway.

Sebastian grinned, "I shall take my leave...for now." With a laugh, he leaned in and kissed Louise once more, before stepping back and bowing gallantly. "Until our next rendezvous, my dear."

Louise was asleep in her bed when a soft knocking sound came from her door. She awoke with a start, realizing that it was quite late. "Come in," she called, sitting up in bed and rubbing her eyes. The door creaked open, revealing Sebastian standing in the doorway, dressed in a robe. "Sebastian, what are you doing here at this hour?" Louise whispered.

"Forgive my intrusion, my dear, but I simply could not sleep," Sebastian explained. "I find that only a goodnight kiss from you can grant me the rest I so desperately seek." He took a step forward, his gaze never leaving hers.

Louise suppressed a smile. "Sir, you know it would be most improper for me to kiss you here where anyone could see." She glanced around the dimly lit hallway. "Besides, I am sure you can find someone else to help you with your restlessness." she said playfully.

"Please, Louise," he implored, "just one brief kiss. I promise I'll leave you in peace afterwards." His eyes held hers, his voice low and intense. Unable to resist his charm, Louise glanced around before placing a quick, kiss on his cheek. As she pulled away, he turned his head, capturing her lips in a soft, lingering kiss. The feel of his lips against hers sent a shiver down her spine, and she found herself melting into his embrace. Time seemed to stand still as they kissed, lost in the moment.

When at last they broke apart, they stared at each other. "There, now off to bed with you," she gently scolded. "You've got a long day tomorrow."

But Sebastian did not move, staring at her pleadingly instead. With a resigned sigh, Louise relented, leaning in to kiss him once more. This time, their kiss deepened, his hand moving from her shoulder to thread through her hair, holding her close. As their lips moved together, they seemed to lose track of time, oblivious to the world around them. It was only when Katherine's snoring, heard through the door, called out for them that they were brought back to reality.

Breathless, they broke apart, gazing at each other. "Sweet dreams, my love," she whispered.

A satisfied grin spread across Sebastian's face. "They surely shall be now. Thank you, my darling." He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead before stepping back, reluctantly. "Goodnight, Louise." He bowed slightly before retreating from the room, leaving her to her rest. Louise watched him go, shaking her head in amusement before closing her door and returning to bed, missing his warmth already. She drifted off with a smile, dreaming of the passionate kisses they shared.

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