"So, I might have done something ridiculously dumb," I say, grimacing at my own actions. "Again."

"Well, I guessed that part," he answers, resting his weight on one hip while poor Rosé looks more and more confused. "Come on, spill it Kinny."

"Well, I may or may not have challenged Hoseok to a dance off," I say, scrunching my nose in slight embarrassment. "And, uhm, I have approximately three minutes before he chooses a song and I have to choose a partner."

Rosé raises an eyebrow, her gaze flickering between me and the awaiting dance floor. "You challenged Hoseok?" she asks, looking more befuddled than ever. "Now why would you do that?"

"An inability to keep my mouth shut, mostly," I mumble in defeat, still looking at Jimin with pleading eyes. "And also a fire under my ass that refuses to let me lose against Jung Hoseok at any cost."

"Lose against him?" Jimin asks incredulously. "Lose what? Didn't you say there wasn't going to be any action tonight?"

"I did," I admit a little sheepishly, glancing over at Hoseok over on the floor. He seems to be effortlessly chatting away with his buddy Suga, not at all stressed about the upcoming battle like I am. "But in an attempt to make myself look cool, it turns out that I potentially signed myself up to look like an even bigger fool."

"You know, for someone who spent years pranking this person, you sure are very guillably falling into his traps," Jimin comments, crossing his arms over his chest. "What do you even want me to do about this?"

"Didn't you here my original request?" I ask again, making large puppy dog eyes. "Please be my partner and help me prove to Hoseok that my moves could beckon sailors?"

"Beckon sailors?" Rosé asks, bursting into laughter. "What era are you even in?"

"The one where I need my best friend to help me kick ass," taking Jimin's hand in mine. "Old Busta Move?"

Jimin gives me a knowing look, tapping his chin in faux-contemplation. "Fine," he says, sighing with a smile on his face. "But if you wake up tomorrow morning to another video of you going viral, don't go blaming me for not stopping you."

"You're the best!" I exclaim, enveloping him in a hug. "I love you so much."

"Okay, okay, let me go," Jimin mumbles into my shoulder, hugging me back regardless. "Let's go dance some faces off."

I happily bounce out of glee, dragging Jimin's arm to where the dance-off is supposed to happen. Hoseok said that while I'm picking a partner, him and Suga were going to set up a speaker for us to use.

Based on the fact that there's a big red one next to them now, I'm taking it that he succeeded in that mission. I give him my best intimidating stare, trying to convey that we should be feared. While my dancing skills on their own are a bit mediocre at best, in conjunction with the flawless dancer that is my best friend, we truly will be unstoppable.

Plus, we'll be doing our old Busta Move dance routines, which is practically gold; even if I do say so myself. It's basically this collection of duet choreographies for different BPMs we worked out while we both still attended dance classes. It was mainly inspired after a weekend of a dance movie marathon, in which winning a dance battle made you the coolest person for the rest of the movie.

That must've been where my mind got this idea from in the first place. But this is all just to prove a point - I'm not really sure what it was exactly, but it's a point regardless.

And in a way, it's better than the suggestion to hunt down drunk people and kiss them like my friends originally proposed, right?

The two of us continue approaching the makeshift battleground, and I feel that if we were actually in a dance movie right now, we'd definitely be walking in slow motion.

Fair & Square (j. hs fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें