✎5: lunches & truces

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"Why did you choose fifty though?" Fatou asks me, popping a fry into her mouth

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Why did you choose fifty though?" Fatou asks me, popping a fry into her mouth. I sigh, eating at my own serving of fries.

"Because alcohol gives you an insane amount of nonsensical sense," Leila deduces, stealing some of Fatou's fries. One of the thefts are accompanied by a kiss, and I roll my eyes at that too.

It's too much of a reminder of the horrible Kiss Bet I've got going on right now.

"At least she still defended Jimin whilst intoxicated," our other friend, Rosé, says. Her long blonde hair falls lazily against her back, accentuating her petitely shaped shoulders. "That's something worth mentioning, right?"

"I mean, it's not like she saved me from an incoming car of anything," Jimin teases, nudging me in the side.

"Seriously, this is the thanks I get?" I ask, fake glaring at him. But his charming smile is enough to make me break out a smile of my own. He does that every time - I swear, it's like some sort of best friend witchcraft that he has on his side. "In another universe, Jung Hoseok would've kissed you, you know."

"I know," Jimin says with a wink, sly smile on his face. "I wouldn't have minded much, either."

"Jimin!" I gasp, almost throwing him with a fry. But that would be wasting food. And there's nothing I hate more than wasting food. "How could you say that? We're talking about my arch nemesis, here."

"I'm just saying," he shrugs, taking another bite of his salad, "it's not like he's bad to look at." With that, he turns his head towards Hoseok's table in the cafeteria, where he usually sits with his best friends, Suga and Zelo.

Those, of course, aren't their real names - but rather some wannabe cool nicknames they decided one random day to go by. I remember thinking how stupid the idea was when they first started it, and now ironically, I can't really remember their real names. Hoseok has one too: J-Hope. Like I'd ever call him that.

In a cafeteria filled with a bunch of of high schoolers, the dude still manages to stand out like a damn highlighter. Which works out in one of two ways: either I get to humiliate him in front of a large group of spectators if I win the bet, or I end up sucking face with him in front of, like, half the school.

Cue dramatic music as I wonder how my life has come to this point.

Following Jimin's lead, my whole table decides to stop and stare at said nemesis, each one probably checking him out or whatever. I don't do that.

I prefer to glare at the person who put me in this situation. You know, besides Jimin's lack of stopping this and my big damn drunk mouth. Hoseok's wearing a white pair of twisted white trousers matched with an oversized collar shirt and a freaking grey flatcap.

Like, who even wears that in today's day and age? He looks like the world's youngest grandpa, if you ask me.

I don't care if I'm being extra nitpicky today; I'm allowed, okay?

Fair & Square (j. hs fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang