42...Neon Lights

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"Mhm." She hummed

Derek shrugged, "Well anyway I don't think you need my protection, I mean from baseball bats to crowbars, and crowbars to guns. I can barely keep up."

Yelena gave a shy smile and gave a half-shrug, "You better not screw this up then."

"Oh, I wouldn't dare."


Derek stopped doing push-ups when he heard Yelena slamming the kitchen cupboard doors,

"Len?" He called out again when he didn't get an answer, "Len what are you doing?"

Derek looked alarmed when Yelena stormed into the main room.

"You have no candy!" She screeched

Derek furrowed his eyebrows in confusion "ok, are you hungry or something?"

Yelena narrowed her eyes at him, "Am I hungry?"

Derek took a few steps back from her, "OK I'm confused."

"Confused?! It's Halloween...Candy....trick or treat!"

Derek rolled his eyes, "Yeah I don't buy into all that."

"How can you not buy into it, it's Halloween! Don't be such a sour-"

"Hey!" Derek said cutting her off, "don't finish that sentence." He warned folding his arms

Yelena pressed her lips together and suppressed a laugh, "Sour wolf."

"Ok, that's it!" Derek called going to throw on some clothes, "Fine! I'll get the candy and hand it out to annoying kids. But I'm only doing this for you." He complained as he shrugged he put his shirt on.

"Because you love me." She teased, heading towards the door in triumph.

Derek paused to look at her "And because it's your birthday" Yelena turned to look at him in surprise, "what you didn't think I'd forget your birthday?" He smiled

Yelena blushed and looked away "I don't really like my birthday."

"Yeah, I know you don't. Which is why your present is something I want you to have." He told her, pulling out the black box from his pocket, "Close your eyes and turn around."

Yelena raised her eyebrows at him but did as he said. "I feel nervous."

Yelena felt something cold and smooth touch her skin before hearing a clip.

"Open your eyes." He whispered into her ear

She opened her eyes and walked over to the mirror where she ran her hands over the new object on her. It was a necklace that had the same symbol that was tattooed on Derek's back. She smiled at it before turning to Derek and wrapping her arms around his waist, "It's beautiful, you know I love what the triskelion stands for."

"Yeah, I also know how much you like tracing it on my back." He murmured as he kissed her.

"Do you ever think of anything else?" She laughed

"I think about how intelligent, witty, strong, and beautiful you are, and how much I love you....and how amazing our sex is."

Yelena was pleasantly surprised at how open he was being. Throughout their whole on-and-off relationship Derek didn't often put into words how much he loved her, not that she needed him to. "Anything else?" She smirked as she pressed her lips against his.

"I think about how annoying you are for making me hand out candy to little kids." He groaned as he pulled away and grabbed his keys from the coffee table.

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