Peter looked at her solemnly. There's no point in trying now. He looked down sadly and said "No matter what, you're not gonna listen to me, are you?"

Pepper looked sadly at him and said "I am listening and what I'm hearing is a sad kid who's grieving his past life. But sweetheart, from what I'm hearing, it just wasn't safe or healthy for you. There's no doubt you love your aunt and she loves you, baby. But this is for the best. You've got to accept it."

Peter looked at the faces around him. Pepper, Happy, Rhodey, and a very satisfied looking Tony. He's tried too many times to turn this situation around, and this was one thing that was probably gonna take years to fix. There was only one thing to do. 

"It's just been so hard Pepper.'re right. I'm sorry for the trouble I've been causing."

He even rubbed his neck to make himself seem embarrassed. God he was laying it on thick. But it seemed to work.

Pepper pulled him in for a warm hug and said "It'll be okay honey."

He turned to face Tony who patted his arm and said "Glad to see you starting to accept this buddy"

He didn't have to hide his malice from Tony though. No. The man would feel his wrath. No matter how small and unassuming.

Peter couldn't help the satisfaction that bloomed in his chest after seeing the man flinch back at the glare aimed his way.

At least he has Pepper as a buffer between him and Tony. If Tony could manipulate Pepper, then so could he, even if it hurt him to hurt Pepper. She's been so sweet and kind since the beginning. Sorry Pepper.

Lastly, Peter turned to Happy and Rhodey and pulled his best puppy dog eyes "Sorry Uncle Rhodey and Uncle Happy."

He couldn't help but laugh at the indignant sputtering coming from Tony "Why is Happy uncle?!" 

The men in question ignored him and opted to comfort the boy. Rhodey said "No harm kid. What better way to live than stressing out your old man."

Happy ended up just petting his head like a dog.

Pepper said "Looks like the paps are gone, so we can finish our dinner in peace."

When they sat down, Rhodey couldn't help but to ask Peter quietly "You okay kid? You seemed pretty adamant back there. I know Tony can be a bit much sometimes, but he really has your best interest at heart."

Peter didn't even bother with Rhodey. If he couldn't get through to Pepper, then there was no hope. No. All he could do was play along until he turned 18.

Instead, he smiled at Rhodey and said "Yeah I'll be okay. It's just hard right now because I miss my aunt."

Rhodey raised his eyebrows and looked around the table before saying "I can take you. Your parents may not be happy about it, but we don't have to tell them. It'll be our secret. Nephew uncle confidentiality."

Peter smiled eagerly and nodded, causing Rhodey to chuckle and ruffle his hair. 

Pepper cleared her throat and asked "Peter? Have you thought about it? Can I adopt you?"

Looking at the woman in front of him, Peter decided that this loving woman was his only saving grace in this shitty situation. She was the only person that could handle Tony Stark. The decision was easy "Yes, I'd like that"

The group was in good spirits throughout the rest of dinner and the ride back to the tower. They were in the penthouse when everyone went their separate ways. Peter was about to enter his bedroom when Tony said "Hey buddy, wait a second!"

Peter rolled his eyes but turned around and looked at the man "I don't know what today was about, but what I said was true. Your aunt, she's been there for so long she's been saying some pretty crazy stuff. I didn't want you to hear about it and get hurt pal. But just know I want the best for you, even if you push me away."

For the first time, Peter actually listened to him and heard his genuine words. Was he wrong about the man all this time? He's so confused.

Then Peter shook his head vehemently, no stop Peter! He's trying to manipulate you.




Tony is the KING of gaslighting!

I thought so long about how Pepper would play into all this so I hope you like the direction I decided to go in!

Let me know what you think! 

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