Chapter fourteen: 1 year later

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Noahs P.O.V
Today marks a year since Mia had left me. Even though I've been holding it together in falling apart on the inside. I became a dad to not one but two children. A boy and a girl. Rose and Noah Jr.
They are both 8 months old today.

"Babe, can you get formula from the store?" Tiffany said holding Noah Jr on her hip.

"Yeah, I'll go get some right now ."

Noah did anything to get out of the house. He had love for Tiffany but he didn't love her. He just didn't like to be alone. He hasn't seen Mia since the baby was born. Isabella always drops off the baby for her. I miss her...

Mias P.O.V
Today marks the day Rose is 8 months old. I am so in love. She just started crawling and she finally started saying Mama.

I finished my semester and decided to take a break from college. I've been running my own business and focusing on myself and my child.

I haven't touched a man in over a year. I crave pleasure. But I know I have standards and morals now. the sex toys don't touch like a man. It only gives you so much.

My train of thought was broken by a knock at the door. I open the door to see a smiling Isabella. We hugged and I let her in.

Rose immediately crawls over to Isabella with the biggest smile on her face. "Dada," she says laughing while Isabella picks her up.

I grab my diaper bag and hand it to Isabella. We walk outside to the car. Isabella puts Rose in her car seat, and her bags in the passenger seat. Mia says her goodbyes and walks into the house.

Mia hated it when Rose left. She was alone. Sometimes she wanted to be selfish and keep rose to herself. But she knew it wasn't right.

Mia decided to pamper herself for the day. She grabbed her keys and her purse and headed out the door to start her day.

Mia had to stop at a store to get formula for Rose. She switched Rose to formula today and was done breastfeeding. Mia was losing so much sleep breastfeeding. She couldn't take it anymore.

She walked over to the baby section and froze. She couldn't believe she was seeing him here. She knew she couldn't avoid him forever. She couldn't lie to herself. She missed him.

She slowly walked over to the cans of formula on display. And in an instant Noah noticed her. It looked like he had seen a ghost. Mia felt his eyes burning a hole in her head. Her heart started to race again.

Noah didn't know what to say. He just grabbed her and hugged her. Mia didn't even try to fight it. She hugged him back. It was something they both needed.

Mia pulled away from the hug and stared at the ground. Noah lifts her face "You look beautiful" he says to her.

Noah was admiring the changes in Mia. That baby did wonders to her body. Her curves showed through her tight black fall dress. Her hair was longer and she looked happier.

"Thank you," Mia said with a short smile.

"Mia I haven't been the same since you left," Noah said.

"Arent you with Tiffany," Mia said in a smart tone.

Noah rolled his eyes cause he knew she was right.
" it was never supposed to be like that. I was supposed to stay until she was healed but every time I threatened to leave she used my son against me," he said locking eyes with Mia.

Mia only believed him cause after the baby was born Tiffany was blowing up her phone and talking crazy to her. Even though she didn't do anything wrong.

"Well, you can't avoid it forever. It will stress you out. You can't let your kids see you miserable." Mia said.

Noah had been hit with a reality. A reality he wasn't ready to face. But his kids came first. He hasn't touched Tiffany in 5 months. He knew he messed up with Mia. And the guilt was eating him alive.

"Thank you," he said pulling her into another hug. He slid his hands down to her waist and put barriers his face in her neck. Giving Mia goosebumps.

Noah pulled away from the hug. And was inches from each other's face. "I'm sorry for how things ended. I was going through so much I didn't know what to feel. I know it's no excuse but I just wanted you to know"

Mia had forgotten all the bad that came with Noah. And wanted to feel his lips again. Even if he was dating Tiffany. She has seen Noah change. She might not have seen him but she updated herself on his social media.

He found a new teaching job. He always posted the kids. But never Tiffany. I just missed him.

Before Mia knew it her lips were kissing Noah. Noah let out a quiet moan. Mia felt Noah's dick poking her.

Mia had forgotten they were in a grocery store. She was angry at herself.  She turned around and grabbed the formula. She was walking away but paused to stare at Noah. "are we planning roses birthday together???" He nodded his head. He tried to speak afterward but Mia waved her hand at him and walked away.

All Noah kept thinking about was her curves and how beautiful she looked. She looked so happy. He wanted Mia all to himself.

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