The Christmas party part 2 👀

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  Mia was admiring her plate. Excited to eat all the food that she had picked out. She is caught off guard by a smiling Tiffany. Her appetite was lost and her adrenaline was rushing.

  But Mia wasn't scared. She was filled with anger. She was thrown off by a little bump similar to hers.

    Tiffany put her hand on her belly and let out a smart remark. " he didn't tell you did he?"

  Tiffany was even surprised by the words that came out of her mouth. She wasn't even going to say anything. But a plan had taken place in that delusional brain of hers.

  Mia didn't say a word. She wasn't speechless. She was running through her options. Every thought Mia had came up involving her fighting. She wanted to. But she knew she couldn't. She had the baby. Mia did believe that Tiffany was a danger to everyone around her.

   "You step any closer and I'm gonna knock you out again," Mia said with a straight face. Changing her stance. Tiffany just laughed like it was a joke.   "you want to fight me because I'm carrying Noah's baby." Mia's feelings were hurt. But she also felt disrespected. Mia couldn't control her anger any longer. She was tired of Tiffany. She threw her plate at the wall and ran up to Tiffany.

Noahs P.O.V.
  The Christmas party was going better than I thought. It felt like a weight was lifted off of me.  Even though my parents are very happy about my age. They are happy that their daughter is happy.  They didn't have room to judge. They were the same as Mia. That's just their little girl.

I looked around looking for Mia but I couldn't find her. She wasn't hard to miss. She was the only girl wearing all pink to a Christmas party. I see some familiar faces. Some of the strangers. But no Mia. I Isiah but no Mia.  No Mia no Tiffany

Noah's eyes widen as he scans the room while heading toward the stairs. Noah didn't want to panic anyone. Noah heard a glass break from the other side of the room. The house that was once filled with joyful noise soon turned into whispers.

Noah turned running in the other direction. The guest sees the panic in Noah's eyes. They all made sure to stay out of the way. He wasn't thinking about anyone but Mia. He knew what Tiffany was capable of.

Noah knew he should have just been honest about everything. Noah felt like he had been running forever but it only had been a few seconds. But he wasn't alone. Some people wanted to be nosey.

Noah ran into the kitchen with his adrenaline running. Along with Isaiah and a few nosey guests.  He saw that Mia had Tiffany by the neck. Her head was on the table. Mia wasn't breaking eye contact with Tiffany.

Isiah and Noah both run over to the altercation. Noah grabs Mia's hands and cradles her into a hug. While Isiah grabs Tiffany and locks his arms around her. So she wouldn't be able to move.

Noah takes Mia out of The backdoor from the kitchen. He reaches into his pockets and grabs the key. Clicking the button on the key causing the car door to unlock. He holds Mia's hand and looks at her. She had a blank expression on her face.

  Before Noah could even say anything Tiffany slammed the back door open trying her best to get out of Isiah's grip. "THIS IS YOUR BABY NOAH"

Isiah looked disgusted and let Tiffany go. He didn't remember seeing a bump before the party. But he did remember they were only allowed to have sex in the dark. She stood there with tears filling her eyes. His eyeliner was running down her face. Noah stood there speechless. He looked at her belly. And was shocked to see Tiffany with a bump.

  He couldn't help but feel guilty and sorry for Tiffany. Even if he was angry at her. She might be carrying his child. Noah stood there for a few more seconds. He opened up his car door. Started the car and drove off.

  As Noah was driving off he realized that his parents and family members were outside to witness the whole thing.

  He looked back at Mia who still had a blank expression on her face. He didn't know what to say to her. He knew what kind of person Tiffany was.

But what Noah didn't know was Mia was done with him. He put her in situations where she and her child were at risk. Even if that was never his attention too. That man made trouble everywhere he went.

   Even if he was changing there was so much Mia didn't know about him. But she was about to figure it out. Even if she liked it or not.

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