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I get up and head to the sea with a quick step. As fast as these legs allow me anyway, since I am not completely used to them yet. I feel the familiar feeling of the water around my body and I feel a little sadness. I really enjoyed it out there, although a lot of things seem strange to me. Not that we saw anything in the short time we were there and everything we saw was from a distance. This sky is my favorite thing in the world. The most beautiful thing I have seen in my life. The sunset is a masterpiece! All these colors, blue, pink, orange, red, swirl with each other in crazy alternations, until finally they are covered by total darkness and the leading role have all these lights, some small, others a little bigger and at one side this huge bright ball. We also have a sunset in Serenity, it was not the first time we saw something like this, but it is dull and uninteresting and once it is over there is just darkness. Also the feeling out of water is a bit funny. As soon as we got out we felt as if all the water left our body and sooner or later we would not be able to move. Fortunately, this did not happen. 

-I think we're safe!, cries Ricky with relief.

I look at him and see that his tail starts to take the place of his legs again. I also look at my own feet, which have almost disappeared.

-So that's it, we are officially back, I say with a little bitterness in my voice as soon as my tail is finished.

-Is my little girl upset?, says Apollo as he hugs me.

-Well, as far as you can say, it was nice out there, I answer and sigh.

I look at the faces of the others and see their obvious sadness.

-Well, we can do it again whenever we want!, says Carlos to lighten the mood a bit, and he's right.

 -I think, this will be one of the few times I will agree with you, friend!, Simon teases him and laughs, now all that remains is to pass the guards again and we are officially back! We will discuss our impressions and everything else, when we are safe.

Suddenly, I feel very worried. With all these beautiful landscapes and unprecedented sensations, we completely forgot to make the plan of return.

-Hey guys, I don't want to spoil it for you, but what's the plan? I ask, trying to hide my concern.

Suddenly everyone stops swimming and freezes. That's not a good sign!

 We are going to find something, I tell myself, and I take deep breaths so I don't have a panic attack.

-Mmm, yes... I hear Simon say thoughtfully, this is something we failed to think about in our enthusiasm so...

-I guess the plan is the same as when we went out?,says Carlos and cut Simon's speech.

-How will it be the same as when we came out you dumb ass?, quips Simon, furious that he was interrupted, and I look around.

Luckily we are still quite far from the walls and no one can hear us.

-On this side of the walls, there is no mermaid guard that we can hit by throwing shells at him! We are on our own! We must find a way to drill a hole in the wall and pass without being understood and without being hit by this "blessing" and become dead blessed mermaids!

I see Cornelia approaching him and wrapping her arms around him, then she whispers something in his ear and I see a smile forming on his lips. I notice, that as soon as she touches him, he relaxes immediately. Interesting, I think.

-Hey guys! Hide quickly!, says Apollo in a low voice. 

Without even thinking about it, we scan the space as fast as we can and scatter as soon as we find the ideal hiding places. We wait a while and then we see them. Relatively small fish, almost round, with silver color and a black dot at the base of their tail. Normally, their presence should be indifferent to us, because they are nothing but animals of nature, wild but harmless. These are common animals found within every city in the Ocean, but we know better than that. About 2 weeks ago, one night, Apollo disobeyed a conversation his mother had with a person in the government. They were talking about a new method of controlling illegality. "Simple but effective and mostly invisible!" she said. From the rest of the conversation that Apollo had conveyed to us, we understood that this is an animal that is often encountered and no one pays much attention to it. Very clever I would say, but not at all convenient for us, who are in this position. But the good thing is that we know what we are dealing with. As soon as they identify a violator, they immediately signal to the government and continue to monitor them closely. If the offender is locked up in a building, for example, and the fish does not manage to enter it with him, it is waiting outside, obviously not alone. It summons more and they surround the area. As soon as the authorities arrive, they take over. Another unusual thing about the whole situation is how they got here. As we have said before, the walls are insurmountable. No one and nothing can go through them, with the small exception of us. We look out from our hiding places and wait for them to pass. After ten minutes and while we made sure they are away, we are gathering again.

-The danger has passed for now, but they will definitely come again, so we must hurry! Split into groups of two and scatter to do research. Our reference point is here. Any couple who finds something, calls the rest and we gather to share our information. If nothing is found earlier, in half an hour be back. Go ahead, wag your tails as fast as you can!, says Cornelia courageously.

A few seconds later, I find myself swimming quickly but carefully towards the walls, Apollo swimming at my side.

- I hope someone can find a way out. We were reckless when we came out, without first thinking about how to get back.

-You're right, I tell him tenderly, next time we'll think about it beforehand.

-Will there be a next time?, he asks me teasingly.

-Hey, won't there be?, I tell him well in an innocent but playful tone and we giggle around.

-Look there, he says, interrupting our little talk.

I look in the direction he points at me with his hand, but I don't see anything.

-I don't see anything, I tell him, and as I turn to look at him, he bursts a kiss and starts laughing.

-Come on, concentrate!, I grumble as I push him lightly.

-Okay, okay!, he says, raising his hands up to show me that he is surrendering.

 I open my mouth to speak, but at that moment I feel the little vibrations on my skin from Carlo calling me. I look at Apollo and I understand that he feels it too.

-Time to change course!, he says excitedly and pulls me with him to the side where we need to go.

- I just hope they have found something good!, I say more so that I can hear it myself and give myself some hope.

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