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I grab his hand and pull him gently to get him to start moving. What the fuck am I doing? My heart says it's right, but my mind says otherwise. I try to pull my hand away, but I can't. It's like someone has stuck them together. We are moving towards the exit slowly. Today was the first time I saw Simon like that. Usually he is calm and patient. I never expected in my life that I would be there when he hits someone and that someone wouldn't be me. And not only he hit, he swore and spat and he didn't even get a scratch. The way he grabbed that guy and immobilized him was so precise and specific. Something tells me that there is a lot I don't know  about him.

 -But you want to know so badly!, my heart says to me.

-No you don't, my mind replies, this is not you. You go around with every female that looks at you, with the best females and you are not limited by anyone or anything! You are not for commitments, you cannot support them!You remember how much you had hurt poor Veronica. And now what? You want Simon? Simon's not even a girl!

The story of Veronica is playing in my head. How beautiful it started, how supportive she was, how happy we were and how badly I fucked it all up in the end. Veronica and I met through Cynthia. She's her cousin from her mom's side of the family and they're very close. She had come on a student exchange program to our college and was going to stay for six months. Since she didn't know anyone, she was stuck in our group, with whom she bonded very quickly and it was as if we had known her for years. I can say with great certainty that it was love at first sight. As soon as Cynthia introduced us, we both felt the attraction for each other, which she had confessed to me one night when she had a few drinks and became more emotional than usual. She generally didn't express herself much, as I did, but with me she had said she felt safe. Apparently Cynthia had warned her about me, who I was much calmer then than now, but she was willing to take the risk. We started dating a week later and a month later we were officially a couple. Five beautiful months went by with many outings, movies, mermaid poker nights with Cynthia and Apollo, walks and drinks. At that time, my relationship with Apollo was much warmer, we spent more time together even when the girls weren't with us. I can safely say that during that time I was the best version of myself, a version that I don't think will ever exist again. When the time to leave was approaching, we were looking for solutions to keep in touch and be as we were when she was here. The possibility of separation was not even a small thought in the back of our minds. On her last day in Serenity we had a huge party at my house to say goodbye to her. From the beginning of the party, I was starting to feel awful as the time she would leave was approaching and I didn't want to part with her, so I threw myself into drinking in order to relax. Two hours later and after many drinks I found myself sitting on a corner alone, marginally drunk, watching Veronica dance with Cynthia and Cornelia. Suddenly in front of me was Ashley, a sluty girl with whom I had had some interactions in the past.

-What's the matter, crazy boy? Did you fell in love and lose your spirit? We haven't seen you for a long time.

I make a grimace of annoyance, she is the last thing I need right now.

-Go away, I tell her and push her slightly away from me as I can't see Veronica.

She resists and remains where she was.

-What happened? she says sensually and leans towards me, is there anything better than having me in front of you, or on you?

I feel the blood rising in my head. I know that if I answer her, our whole conversation will continue in the same style, and I have absolutely no desire to do that tonight. I turn my head to the side and try to look at Veronica when suddenly she grabs me by the chin and turns my head so I can look at her. She starts approaching her mouth close to mine and I push her hands to avoid her. I get up abruptly to leave, but the drink betrays me and I feel a sudden dizziness, so great that I almost faint. I lean against the wall next to me so I don't fall down and take deep breaths. I have to go to Veronica. Ashley approaches me and runs her hand under mine. She hugs my arm and starts pulling me.

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