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If you read the spin-off 'Dragon Blood' I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it! It was so much fun creating that piece. I feel like it gave Y/N  a lot more depth as well as giving her and the other characters more time together to develop and bond. 

Whether you read 'Dragon Blood' or not, thank you all so much for the support. I was so, so excited to write this arc and include this side story. I hope this arc was enjoyable to read, I know there wasn't much of Y/N and Johann, but I had so much fun writing it nonetheless. I can't wait for the story to progress and for you all to see what I have in store for our protagonists! 

Please leave a comment on 'Dragon Blood' to show your support or on this interlude page and let me know how I'm doing! I love seeing you all interact and rack your brains over the plot, I even enjoy reading all of your predictions. Your words mean a lot to me and inspire me to put out more work.

This story has gone one for over three years and I appreciate each and every one of you that has made it as big as it is now for such a small fandom. 

Until next time!


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