22 - Trouble In His Mind

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It wasn't until Y/N fell unconscious in his arms did Caesar realize she had taken the hit for him. Acted as a shield between danger and himself. And when he fully took in the intensity of Johann's glare, both at him and the fallen gang leader, Caesar's stomach dropped.

What kind of a leader would let one of his own men get injured in his place?

Johann briskly stepped over the dead man's body and reached out to Y/N, pulling her unconscious state from Caesar's paralyzed arms. She had taken a hit to the back of the head from the gang leader's morphed claw after he had drunk the dragon blood serum. Ultimately turning him into a partial death servitor, she had suffered the blow and caused blood to spill. Over the ground, and in Johann and Caesar's arms.

"We need to get her looked at," Johann said with haste, his face casting her a look of anxiety. He had failed to protect her.

"What the hell am I doing?" Caesar stood in place. For the first time, Caesar couldn't bring his gaze to meet Johann's.

Johann shrugged him off, turning to find the nearest hospital in Chizuru. As much as he wanted to panic over Y/N's injury, he was thankful it wasn't a fatal wound. How long she would be out for; was what he was worried about.

"You couldn't save Makoto, Y/N got hurt protecting you," Johann breathed as if he also was in shock that Caesar was currently so helpless. "You're not used to failing, but you're supposed to be our leader. So snap out of whatever land you're in and help me get Y/N somewhere safe,"

Johann took his borrowed jacket and did his best to turn it into a makeshift bandage to wrap around Y/N's bleeding head. Still thankful she hadn't been fatally wounded, it would do none of them any good if he were to panic. He needed to stay calm, despite everything in his body urging him to express fear and dread.

But she was still breathing. That was enough to calm him down and think logically.

"But if we check into a hospital, won't that make it easier for Hydra to find us? What if they were the ones who sent these gangsters?" Luminous chimed in worriedly.

Johann and Luminous discussed strategies, knowing that checking into a hospital would only raise suspicion upon themselves. But they needed to act fast before Y/N lost too much blood and was left untreated.

Johann scooped Y/N up in his arms after he was finished wrapping her head as best he could. With her in his arms bridal style, he turned to Caesar, his scowl gone, and instead, he tried his best to understand his predicament.

Luminous walked in front of Caesar, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Boss? What should we do?"

"Damn it," Caesar said to himself, cursing himself for not doing better. Caesar always did the best, he was the best. But as their day had passed, it only proved to him that he was not capable of such a simple task as a leader.

"This is proof that you're human after all," Luminous reminded him, "making mistakes and failing. But you're still the leader, so what do we do?"

Before Caesar could answer, a van swerved around the corner, tires screeching on the pavement. The Ace Team readied their guard, Johann kept Y/N close to his chest while Luminous and Caesar eyed the van carefully.

Despite his recent failures, Caesar was now more determined to protect his team. It was the least he could do.

The van parked right in front of them, a big, flashy label printed on the side of the truck reading 'Takamagahara'. The back doors of the van flung open and two women stepped out. Clad in heels and dresses which were usually seen as club attire.

The boys looked at each other with confused gazes. "Who are you?" Caesar demanded. Though the women were recognized as easily beautiful, they had no choice but to keep their guard up. They never knew what to expect when it came to the events in Japan.

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