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And that is a wrap for the second arc!

Arc 3 will begin soon! This is where we will be sort of steering away from anything canon to the story, but most of it will stay true to the plot.

Let me know your thoughts! Leave comments or message me! Any feedback and/or support is much appreciated! Thank you all so much for sticking with me and this story for this long, words cannot express how grateful I am with you all and how far this story has come.

I purposely wanted this arc to be more centered on the relationship between our MC, Caesar, and Chisei. As the Cassell College arc was more Johann-relationship-focused where he was more of a pillar of light and safety, I wanted Caesar and Chisei to represent a darker, angstier relationship with Y/N. Of course, we can't have those painful moments without the good moments i.e. Johann and Y/N's love life.

But I hope I was able to contrast those relationships well.

Anyway, if you've read this far, thank you so much again for supporting this story and in that sense, me. I hope you enjoyed this arc as much as I loved writing it.


Just like the last arc interlude, it will take a while before I get to updating again and before I can get back into a regular updating schedule. I'll come around to updating the new arc when I get to it.

And I hope you all wait for this story just like you all did last time!

Thank you all, and see you again in the next arc!

Dragon RajaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora