25 - Chisei

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I'm so sorry for the long wait, but this chapter is finally out, and I couldn't be more relieved.

While dealing with personal matters, I was also dealing with extreme writer's block. It was hard finding the creativity and inspiration to get this chapter out, but here it finally is.

Since it took me so much longer, I decided to publish 2 chapters this time as a thanks for being so patient with me.

Again, I am SO sorry for the long wait, but Arc 2 is almost over, so please stay tuned until then! Thank you for all the continuous support. 


As three days passed, Luminous remained a loyal subject to the princess of Hydra. From undercover shopping sprees to running out to a drink vendor in the middle of the night to get her some warm milk, anything Erii Uesugi asked, Luminous was there at her beck and call.

Thankfully, though it felt like a form of manipulation, Luminous had eventually earned her complete trust. With little convincing and a promise that he'd get her fried rice for a week straight and a pretty skirt, Erii led them through the sewer system of the Hydra headquarters.

Unfortunately, once they had reached the end of the tunnel they were met with Shio Miyamoto and his men working on more engineering projects. Steam and the sounds of wires and drills filled the room, echoing down even past the sewers. The Ace team clung to the walls and shadows of the sewers, their eyes scanned for any chance to sneak past.

"Over there," Caesar pointed and gestured his head toward a nearby hallway. Erii nodded, confirming that it was a step in the right direction.

Caesar led the way, Luminous took the end and followed behind Erii with a worried expression. The five of them were on track to successfully get past Shio Miyamoto and his men, but Luminous and his luck had caused a tin bucket to knock over, drawing attention to all of them.

Thankfully, due to the steam, Caesar, Johann, and Y/N ducked undercover and made it into the shadows of the hallway.

Luminous, on the other hand, was pushed to the side and into a different hallway, thus rendering him separated from both his teammates and Erii, the only one who knew her way around this area. He cursed himself, but there wasn't anything he could do. When he peeked around the corner Erii was surrounded by guards, and he couldn't risk getting caught. He'd have to find a way to meet up with his team again on his own.

"Luminous isn't here," Y/N pointed out just before Caesar and Johann had begun walking deeper into the hall.

"We'll catch up with him later," Caesar said without batting an eye, his focus remained completely on his goal to reach Kaguya and find a way to contact the college. "We need to figure out which way to go while Miss Uesugi distracts the guards,"

"Will she be okay?" Y/N asked, looking over her shoulder with a worried glance.

Johann nodded beside her, "They wouldn't dare lay a finger on her, she'll get out of that situation just fine,"

"We should leave before this draws Chisei Gen's attention," Caesar grunted, his voice turned bitter at the mention of the Gen Clan Chief. "I don't want to run into him, not knowing what I'll do,"

As the three of them wandered down the silent hall, Caesar stopped in his tracks and peeked behind the corner of the hall. Johann and Y/N copied his movements.

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