38 - Brothers

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"Out of everything I could've guessed, your sudden appearance was the last thing I was expecting,"

Katsu Inuyama stood diligently at the entrance of Hydra's main headquarters, located just outside of Tokyo. A peaceful settlement where the only bustling noise they'd get is the sound of birds chirping among the white sakura trees.

There were many stories that surrounded the man, Hilbert Ron Anjou, the mightiest dragon slayer ever known. He was both feared and revered, with his chest held as high as his desire. He liked to think of himself as a proper gentleman, a charming, flirtatious ladies man—albeit, one who could also tear apart the limbs of a beast with a snap of his fingers. He would never admit it openly, especially to women of his liking, but he greatly enjoyed the sight of blood spilling from his enemy's wounds.

Hydra thought of him as a force to be reckoned with. Anjou, when in a certain focused mindset, could easily do a number on each clan chief within minutes.

"To what do we owe the pleasure?" Inuyama greeted the renowned principal politely, though his words held hints of disdain.

Anjou kept his hands at his sides, few bodyguards surrounded him, though he didn't need them anyway. His smile made his cheeks wrinkle back, but the gesture did not meet his eyes. He was there for business, so he was expecting an easy answer from his old friend.

"Perhaps you are being daft in an attempt to entertain me on my travels," Anjou said, walking past Inuyama with no regard, sliding the panel door open as he sat comfortably in the clan chief's chair. "Or perhaps you truly are clueless as to why I've decided to finally make an appearance,"

Inuyama felt a lump get caught in his throat, as expected, Anjou had seen through his guise. Now, it was up to him to decide how to deal with the principal. If he dared to betray Hydra and tell Anjou what exactly happened during the submersible mission, and why they broke off from the college, he'd be betraying everything he believed in.

But should he turn a blind eye to Anjou, who already knew more than he let on, Inuyama wasn't sure if he would live to see another day.

Either way, it was a loss.

"Do tell me, old friend," Anjou said, his voice came off as friendly and sincere, but beneath the layers hidden in his tone his words sounded just as much like a threat. "What on Earth happened to my students? And where have you cornered them into hiding?"


Everyone gathered around one of the heart-shaped lounge seats in the middle of the lobby, where for the first time since they've worked there, the owner closed down the business for private matters. When they confronted Whale, he simply stated that it was under his boss' orders to close temporarily.

Their memory of the owners was hazy, but Caesar could briefly recall two women that had brought them to Takamagahara in the first place. One of them was seated right in the middle of the lounge sofa, her curly blonde hair was as distinctive as Caesar's.

"Nice to see you all again," she said as politely as she could, but no one missed the hint of sarcasm in her tone. "I heard you have quite the plan brewing in your pot, care to elaborate? I have a responsibility to make sure I keep my employees safe,"

Well, in reality, she was only paid to make sure Y/N was safe.

"Why do you care? Why protect us?" Johann questioned.

"My boss is simply paying me to keep an eye on you, make sure you stay out of trouble. If it weren't for the nice checks, I couldn't care less what you all do. But I have to be on my guard too. My boss has a tricky brain, he can be unpredictable," Enxi explained, "Now as I said, I want an elaboration on your plan,"

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