Free Day

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I really don't have anything to say except that parts took longer than expected, but the chapter has been finished, so let's just get into it

It was the day after the battle trial and the weekend. The students had the day off. We currently cut to 1A who are sitting around the common room. However, since it was only 9:30 am some of the students didn't have plans for the day

Key word some

Kaminari: I'm Bored

Jirou: We know we hear you the last 6 times you've told us jamming-whey

Kaminari: I just don't know what to do

Momo: You could read a book

Eijiro: Or if you would like you could join me and do some training.

Kaminari: It's our day off I don't want to train or study

Misaki: you know you can read for fun right

Tooru: OH, I KNOW I KNOW. We can all go to karaoke later. You can even see it as a class bonding activity.

Izuku was watching this play out with an amused smile on his face. Checking one of his watches for the time he decided to ruin Tooru's fun.

Izuku: Sorry Hakagure but I won't be able to join. Hinako, Chiyo, Misaki, and I have plans for later today.

The Three: We do?

Izuku: Yep, just waiting on something.

Tokoyami: And what's it you are waiting for

Suddenly the class's attention was brought to the front door as they heard noise coming from it.

Knock Knock

Himiko: Oh Chiyo I'm respecting your privacy by knocking but asserting my authority as your family by coming in anyway


Suddenly the door is broken down as Himiko uses a battering ram to break the door and enter the dorms.

Chiyo: Himi-nee

Tenya: The door. Why would you break it? Who are you? Where did you get a battering ram? Why are you here? *Hand Chop intensifies*

Eri: Himi-chan

Eri then runs up to Himiko and hugs her leg.

Izuku: Iida, this is Himiko. She's Chiyo's cousin and a student in Gen Ed. I asked her to come today. As for the battering ram, why do you have a battering ram Himiko

Himiko: Some pink haired chick gave it to me before running off screaming about babies

Izuku: ... That created several more questions than it answered, but anyway, Himiko agreed to watch Eri for me today.

Kaminari: Dude you know if you needed someone to watch her you could have asked us. Also why do you need someone to watch her

Eri: Izu-nii wants someone to be responsible for looking after me, not me having to be responsible for looking after someone.

Suddenly an figurative arrow stabs into his chest as Izuku tries to hide his snickering

Izuku: I've also known her for longer and trust her. As for why I'm taking the girls on a date today.

Mina suddenly shot up with stars in her eyes and appeared in front of Izuku. She was bouncing up and down in excitement at the tea and romance being given to her right now.

Mina: You're going on a date. What are the plans? Tell me tell me tell me tel-owww

Kirishima: *head chops Mina* Mina back off and let him breathe. Besides what if he wants to surprise them him telling would ruin it

Izuku Yagi Angel Of TimeWhere stories live. Discover now