Yagi's Regret

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So fun fact before we start this chapter I only learned yesterday that Date a Live (anime izuku's powers come from) had started a fourth season yesterday. So yeah this story starting around the same time turned out to be a happy coincidence. But enough about that let's get on with the chapter

We now cut back to the Yagi Family. It had already been two days since he had run away. Of course his family didn't notice since it was the weekend. Today was the first day of the school week bringing the number of days up to three.

It was then during homeroom that Izumi noticed that her brother wasn't in class, which was weird. He had never missed a day of school. The teacher didn't even mention it as she took attendance.

It was during Lunch that she and her friends sat down to talk.

Katsuki: Izumi, where's the useless nerd.

Izumi: I don't know, I never saw Onii-chan come in.

Katsumi: Maybe we finally got through his head that he can't be a hero

Shoka: Okay but he has come to school with migraines and while sick. Isn't it odd for him not to show up out of nowhere

Izumi: Come on Shoka Your looking to much into this

Shoto: She's right sis you don't need to worry.

Katsuki: We Just need to show him his place for not showing up without warning

Izumi just shrugged her shoulders and continued eating her lunch. She would be able to demand to know why he skipped school today. Little did she know she would be in for a major reality check later that day.

As school ends Izumi and her friends arrive at her house. They see her dad and mom sitting on the couch in their hero costumes going through some paperwork.

Izumi: Mom Dad, have you seen Onii-chan? He didn't show up at school today.

Inko: I haven't seen h- Wait he skipped. Was he sick today or something. If so he should be in his room

Hearing this Izumi goes up to his room and knocks on the door multiple times calling him. However she got no response

Izumi: Onii-chan isn't in his room. *Panicking* I think he's missing

This causes everyone's eyes to widen as Toshinori ran and grabbed his phone calling as many people as he could to help out. All he told them was that it was an emergency and he needed their help immediately.

Within 30 minutes All the parents were there along with Nedzu, Sir Nighteye, Gran Torino, Aizawa, Tsukauchi and all the Todoroki siblings.

Aizawa: What is the big emergency that we had to come immediately? I was in the process of buying some new things for my apartment.


Touya: Why didn't you start with that !?!

Nedzu: First thing first. Let's check his room to see if we can find any clues.

As they head to the room it had been locked and wouldn't open so Touya kicked the door down. And boy did he wish he hadn't.

The room was empty. There were only four things inside the room. A bed, a desk with a broken leg, a cheap chair and a trash can. That was it. No individuality, no personality, it was more comparable to a prison room than a bedroom.

Torino: Why is the room so empty. When we passed Izumi's room it was filled to the brim with toys and posters.

Walking up to the desk Tsukauchi found a letter. After a minute of reading it his facial expression flashed anger for a moment before he schooled his expression into an emotionless expression. Then he walked up to Toshinori and punched him so hard across the face that he spit up blood

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