Before the Exam

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To those who live in the United States like me. Happy 4th of July.

Anyway let's get on with the chapter

It was the week before the entrance exam. Over the past few months they group of four have been focusing on cleaning up the trash heap that was Takoba Municipal Beach and spending time with Eri

Eri was scared at first of the sudden change in atmosphere and while it took some time she was slowly adjusting to her new home.

However back at the beach they had finished cleaning it when they suddenly heard clapping. Turning around they saw two people walking towards them. One of them was a man that they didn't recognize while the other was Kamui Woods.

Also, Kamui and the man didn't know each other. They just wanted to talk to the kids who worked so hard on the beach for nothing in return.

Kamui: I see you have finished cleaning the beach here. I must say I'm impressed kids. Not many people work so hard for the environment

Hinako: How did you know it was just us sir?

Kamui: I'm currently off duty just call me Kamui. I noticed you cleaning the beach a few months ago and when I have time I like to check up on your progress. I've been watching for a few months.

Chiyo: So you're a stalker?

At Chiyo's Question both Izuku and the other man burst out laughing as Kamui stuttered out a response trying to defend himself

Misaki: So why focus so much on us Kamui?

Kamui: While I do enjoy patrolling and helping citizens from villains, one of my passions is Environmental protection. However I tend to focus on forests and woods. Call it Bias due to my quirk but I always loved trees. Not to mention It's not a good idea to try too many projects at once. It causes mistakes and poor funding. As much as I disliked how the beach was ruined, I tried to make sure other places were getting the funds they needed to stay safe.

Izuku: I see

Kamui: *Smiles under mask* Not to mention you were so focused on cleaning. You kids took time to go out of your way to clean this beach. You didn't advertise it for personal gain. Sure it might have been training but you could have easily used a gym. You showed you cared about the beach by cleaning it why would I waste your hard work.

Suddenly the other man smiled and spoke up for himself.

Chizome: It's nice to meet you kids. My name is Chizome Akaguro. While I haven't been paying as much attention I did notice you cleaning the beach. I was impressed by that. It is hard it is to find true heroes like that nowadays

(Chizome Akaguro is Stain's real name)

Izuku: Thank you Chizome-san. Our dreams are to become heroes so We can help children in trouble in either abused home life or where other heroes don't patrol. We can't save everyone as we are only human but we want to help all those that we can

Chizome: *In thoughts* it's good to see a true hero mentality in these kids. I wonder is the future generation the one that will bring back the real meaning of the term Hero

Kamui: That is a very noble goal of yours.

Chizome: Let me ask you kids a question: what do you think of the fame and money that comes with a hero.

Chiyo: Hmm we actually don't see a problem with it.

Misaki: Heroes are people too. They need to pay for their homes, food and taxes. Without pay they wouldn't be able to help people as often as they would be forced to do other jobs.

Izuku Yagi Angel Of TimeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon