New Home

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Before we begin the chapter Just want to wish those who celebrate it a happy Easter

Now then with that done let's get right into the chapter.

Izuku POV

It has been 3 days since I left home. Most of it I spent traveling. I had used the money I grabbed before leaving to feed me and sleeping in parks as a form of “camping” if anyone asked me.

Today I was walking through the city looking for a cheap meal when someone stopped me. Turning around I saw a man holding a bag full of groceries. 

???: Excuse me kid, are you okay.

Izuku: Yes sir i’m fine. why?

???: You are wandering around without a parent and look hungry.

Izuku: Oh no I’m fine.

Only for his stomach to immediately grumble. This causes Izuku to blush and hide his face in his hands. The man looked at him before gently rubbing his back. Izuku finally able to look him in the face apologized

???: Here why don’t we get you something to eat and then you can explain why you are in the streets.

Nodding his head, Izuku followed the man for about two blocks until they made it to a 2 story bakery. Grabbing Izuku’s hand the man lead him in to be greeted by a women

Women: Welcome home dear. Oh who is this next to you?

???: I found him wandering the streets and he’s hungry so I brought him here and he’s uh huh I never asked. What's your name kid?

Izuku: Oh my name is Izuku Tokisaki.

???: Nice to meet you Tokisaki. My name is Izumi Miyamura and this is my wife Kyouko Miyamura and this is the Horimiya Bakery.

 My name is Izumi Miyamura and this is my wife Kyouko Miyamura and this is the Horimiya Bakery

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Hearing this caused Izuku to shiver but quickly got over it. The man’s name may be the same as his ex-sister but they are completely different people. Still though izuku was confused by the name of the bakery and decided to ask 

(To avoid confusion later in the story he will be called genrally be called Miyamura and Hori will be called by her Maiden name by me)

Izuku: Horimiya?

Hori: Ah my Maiden name is Hori meaning I was Kyouko Hori. This bakery is actually Izumi’s family bakery but we renamed it from Cake Shop Iori to Horimiya Bakery when he took it over. Actually feel free to call me Hori if it makes it easier

She then looks towards him and saw he was intrested so she decides to tell him more about their little bakery.

Hori: Before it was mainly a cake shop but after we took over and renamed it we renovated the building and added a second floor. The second floor is just an apartment that we live in and the bakery is the first floor but the two floors are sound proof from each other. Also We changed it to a larger variety with my husband focusing on the cakes and me making different types of breads and muffins even if he still helps me with them.

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