"Don't you give up, nah-nah-nah. I won't give up, nah-nah-nah. Let me love you, let me love you. Don't you give up, nah-nah-nah. I won't give up, nah-nah-nah. Let me love you, let me love you. Oh, baby, baby" She continued singing as she started walking closer to the edge of the stage as the crowd would chant the nah nahs. Meanwhile Sunset and Twilight were busy singing together as Pinkie was cheering loudly while Fluttershy, Rarity, and Applejack swayed to the music.

"Don't fall asleep at the wheel, we've got a million miles ahead of us. Miles ahead of us all that we need is a rude awakening to know we're good enough yeah. Know we're good enough." Dash sang as she stood near the edge of the stage as she continued singing Applejack watched her sing feeling captivated by the song. She then noticed the singer make eye contact with her.

"Say, go through the darkest of days. Heaven's a heartbreak away. Never let you go, never let me down, oh it's been a hell of a ride. Driving the edge of a knife never let you go, never let me down. Don't you give up, nah-nah-nah. I won't give up, nah-nah-nah. Let me love you let me love you." Rainbow sang as she stripped off her leather jacket holding it before noticing Applejack. The two then made eye contact with each other as Dash smiled when she threw her leather jacket towards the crowd.

Applejack's heart raced as she caught Dash's leather jacket. Her face soon started heating up as she held the jacket it made matters worse that she saw her favorite singer wink at her as she continued performing as she looked at her. "Don't you give up, nah-nah-nah. I won't give up, nah-nah-nah. Let me love you let me love you. (Oh, baby, baby)." Dash sang before letting the beat play out as she continued."Whoa (Girl, never let you go) Wooh. Oh, nah-nah-nah-nah. (Never let you go). Yeah, yeah (girl, never let you go)" Dash sang as she walked back to the center of the stage and looked at the audience one last time before singing the last verse.

"Don't you give up, nah-nah-nah. I won't give up, nah-nah-nah. Let me love you, let me love you. Don't you give up, nah-nah-nah. I won't give up, nah-nah-nah. Let me love you, let me love you." Rainbow sang as she finished singing. As the final notes echoed through the venue, Dash took a bow, and the crowd erupted into cheers once again. "Thank you so much for coming. I don't know what I'll do without you guys. Goodbye!!" Rainbow said into the mic as she waved goodbye and headed backstage.

After the show, Applejack's friends couldn't resist teasing her. "Well, well, Applejack. Looks like Rainbow Dash noticed you in the crowd." Sunset said noticing Applejack was now wearing Dash's leather jacket. "And she gave you her jacket! Quite the romantic gesture." Rarity said fawning. "Aw, come on, y'all. It ain't nothin' like that, she was just being friendly." Applejack said blushing. "I don't know I noticed how she kept glancing at you during the last song. It was cute." Pinkie said.

As they chatted, Fluttershy's eyes widened. "Oh, I almost forgot to mention. Rainbow Dash is an old friend of mine. We used to hang out when we were kids. We still keep in contact with each other but we haven't gotten the chance to see each other." She said softly as the other five eyes widened. "You never told us that!" Sunset said. "Well, she didn't want a lot of people to know. Sorry." Fluttershy said softly. "Well we should go congratulate her and it gives you a chance to see her again." Rarity said.

Fluttershy nodded taking the lead as she led her friends backstage. She then approached the security guards and whispered something in one of their ears. The security guard nodded he allowed the group to pass entering the backstage area. The main six soon spotted a sweaty Rainbow Dash, chatting with the stage crew. Fluttershy's eyes lit up as she approached Rainbow Dash. "Hey, Dash long time no see," She greeted softly embracing Rainbow Dash in a warm hug.

Rainbow Dash grinned as she reciprocated the gesture. "Fluttershy long time no see! What are you doing here?" She asked pulling away. "We came to watch your concert it was a surprise for our friend Applejack. Oh let me introduce you guys." Fluttershy said as she walked over to her friends with Dash following behind. "Rainbow Dash, this is Sunset, Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie and Applejack. Girls meet Rainbow Dash." Fluttershy said softly as Dash realized that the girl she kept glancing at and threw her jacket towards was her childhood friend's friend.

Dash smiled and waved to her friends. "Nice to meet you all. Thanks for coming to see my performance." She said. "It was nothing really," Twilight said. "It was actually supposed to be a surprise for our friend Applejack. She loves your music." Sunset said elbowing her causing Applejack to blush. "Yeah, she really enjoys your music. She might even be your number one fan." Pinkie said happily. Dash smiled noticing that Applejack was blushing and wearing her jacket.

"Hey if you guys want we can all hang out in my green room," Dash said as everyone nodded as they headed to her green room. They entered and they were greeted by the room which consisted of couches, sofa chairs, and a table in the middle with a TV as it had some gaming systems and there was a little area in the corner dedicated to snacks and drinks. "This is cool," Sunset said.

"Yeah feel free to make yourself comfortable," Rainbow said as everyone did their own thing except Applejack who was still holding Rainbow's jacket and felt a bit shy. Dash noticed as she walked over to her. "Hey, you enjoyed the show?" Dash asked mentally kicking herself as she knew what the answer was going to be. "It was amazing. You were really good." Applejack said as Dash smiled before speaking. "Thanks, I always give it my all to give my fans an awesome performance."

Silent fell between the two before Rainbow continued. "You know, I couldn't help but notice you in the crowd when I was singing and...I think we both know that you like me." Dash said flirting before continuing. "The jacket looks good on you," Rainbow said causing Applejack to blush again as the girls shared knowing glances watching the two interaction.

"Heh, I bet you say that to all your fans," Applejack said. "Nope, only the ones who are as beautiful as you are and get to keep a piece of my clothing," Dash said as a phone rang and everyone turned to see it was Twilight's phone. "Sorry guys it's my mom. She was expecting me to be home by now." Twilight said. "Guess it's time for us to head out," Sunset said causing Pinkie to be saddened.

"Aww, but we just met her," Pinkie said causing Dash to laugh. "It's fine. Maybe after I'm done touring we could meet up after all Canterlot's my hometown." Dash said as everyone nodded and said their goodbyes to Rainbow not before taking pictures with her as they left her room only leaving Dash and Applejack.

She then turned her attention back to Applejack. "Sorry, we couldn't talk as much but I wanna get to know you more if you want," Dash said blushing and scratching the back of her neck. Applejack blushed before smiling and nodding. "I'd like that," Applejack said. "Maybe after I'm done touring we could grab a bite to eat sometime," Dash said as Applejack spoke up. "Sure. there's this new pizzeria place that's going to open soon maybe we can try that." She said as Dash smiled. "Yeah sounds like a great idea," Rainbow said before coming up with an idea.

"Hey, can I see your phone?" She asked as Applejack gave it to her as she watched Dash type something on her phone before returning her phone. "I'm looking forward to seeing you again," Dash said as Applejack smiled. "Same. I'll be waiting for you." Applejack said as she left Rainbow's Green Room and waved as Dash waved back before she started walking catching up with her friends.

While making her way to catch up with her friends she looked down at her phone to see that Rainbow inputted her phone number. 'This has been the best night of my life.' Applejack thought as she walked towards her friends and if it wasn't for them she probably wouldn't have been able to talk and meet her favorite singer/crush.

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