Dash nodded. "So what do you like to do?" She asked. "I like to go apple picking and climb trees," Applejack said. Just then Dash came up with an idea she offered her hand to Applejack, who accepted it. "I know where to go follow me," Dash said as she led them through the castle before heading outside. "Close your eyes," Rainbow said to Applejack as she did just that before Dash made them take a couple of steps before stopping.

"Okay open them," Dash said as Applejack opened her eyes to see a beautiful big apple tree. "You like climbing trees so I thought this could be our little area," Dash said, causing Applejack to smile as they both climbed up the tree and sat on the branch. Dash then grabbed an apple from the tree and handed it to Applejack who thanked her and bit into it as the two ate the apples and they enjoyed the view of Dash's kingdom.

Age 14

8 years passed Rainbow and Applejack were now 14 years old and true to their parents' words they visited each other every summer and as the years passed they grew from acquaintances to friends to best friends. As expected Applejack and her parents were coming back to spend time with Dash and her parents.

Just then a carriage pulled up with Applejack and her parents inside. Dash's parents were outside waiting to greet them as King Big and Queen Pear Butter exited they greeted King Bow and Queen Windy Whistle. "Bow and Windy nice to see you again," Pear said hugging Windy.

"Pleasure is all mine," Windy said reciprocating the hug. Applejack who was wearing a green medieval long-sleeve tunic with dark red trousers and brown boots with a brown stetson came out with another girl who had light purple skin and dark purple hair wearing a lavender renaissance dress. "Applejack nice to see you again," Windy said as Applejack smiled. "You to Queen Windy this is my friend Princess Twilight from Canterlot. I hope you don't mind that she's gonna be here staying with us." Applejack said as Twilight curtsy to the King and Queen.

"Not at all your mother let me know ahead of time. Nice to meet you Princess Twilight," Windy said as Bow bowed. "You as well," Twilight said. Applejack then looked around trying to find a certain rainbow-haired girl but couldn't. "Where's Dash?" She asked, "Oh she's in the training areas with her friend, you can go see her if you'd like." Bow said as Applejack before she waved to Twilight telling her to follow her which she did as they headed to the training grounds.

They then saw Rainbow Dash who was wearing a white button-up blouse with a short sleeve blue tunic on top with golden cuff sleeves and black trousers and boots holding a sword as she was looking at a girl with red and yellow hair, blue eyes, and light orange skin wearing a orange medieval tunic and black trousers with black boots holding a sword breathing heavily. "And that is three to two," Dash said smugly. "Haha, you got lucky." The girl said panting. "Whatever Sunset," Dash said.

"Hey, Dash!" Applejack said heading over to the girls with Twilight following. "AJ!" Dash said opening her arm as Applejack ran and hugged her causing both girls to laugh and blush. "How have you been?" Dash asked. "I've been good, oh and I hope you don't mind but I brought a friend. Twilight this is Princess Rainbow Dash of Zorro Kingdom. Rainbow This is Princess Twilight of Canterlot." Applejack said. "Nice to meet you Princess Twilight this is my friend Sunset she's a knight in training. Sunset meet Princess Twilight and Applejack Princess of Maelstrom Kingdom." Dash said as she and Sunset bowed to Twilight as they both stood while Sunset smugly smiled.

"Oh, so this is the girl you're always talking about," Sunset said causing Rainbow to blush red as Applejack smiled. "Aww, the great mighty Rainbow Dash likes to talk about me all the time,"  Applejack said. "Ha don't act like you don't talk about Rainbow Dash all the time. Every time you're writing to me you always mention her." Twilight said causing Applejack to blush as Rainbow smiled. "Who's talking about who now?" Rainbow said laughing. "Anyways what were you and Sunset doing?" Applejack asked. "Oh, we were sword training, and as always my skills are awesome," Rainbow said.

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