"That kid." Rainbow Dash said fondly as she grabbed her backpack and exited her car she locked it and walked towards the entrance of her school Canterlot which is a k-12 school since it's a huge school. She then entered and started heading to her locker passing by lots of people who were talking, hanging around, or even busy making out in the hallways. Dash then reached her locker and grabbed her books while she was busy with them. Her friends Sunset, Pinkie, Rarity, Twilight, Fluttershy, and Applejack approached. The last name mentioned always caused Dash's heart to speed up.

"Hey, Dash!" Sunset greeted. "Hey guys what's happening?" Rainbow asked closing her locker. "Not much." Rarity said. "Not much how is not talking about Vortex Strike not much she's awesome I wonder who she is under that visor and hood," Pinkie said excitedly. "Well, whoever they are they've been doing a good job in helping lower the crime rates," Twilight said. "Yeah she-I mean they sound like a good hero," Dash said accidentally spilling about the superhero being a girl. "Well we should head to class we've only got five minutes and this time let's hope Dash did her homework," Applejack said teasing. "Haha I did in fact do my homework and don't wanna get too ahead of myself but I think I got most of the answers correct," Dash said as the seven of them split up heading to their respective classes.

Time skip to Lunchtime

"Finally lunchtime!" Dash said as she grabbed her tray and started filling it up as she headed to her friend's table as all her friends were there and they were all on their phones looking at something. "Hey guys...why do you look like you've seen a ghost," Dash said noticing that all their eyes were wide. "Because...Vortex Strike's nemesis Shadow Serpent is attacking the city right now," Twilight said showing her phone to Dash as she watched live footage of her nemesis Shadow Serpent using her powers to create havoc in the city. "But where is Vortex Strike?" Fluttershy asked. "I don't know," Sunset said. Dash looked around the lunch room trying to locate someone she then saw her sister looking at her. Scootaloo then moved her head towards the direction of the lunchroom exit.

"Uh..guys I just realized I left something in my locker..gotta go..get it," Dash said standing up from her seat before jogging away and leaving the lunch room confusing the girls. Rainbow ran out of the school and hid in a secluded corner before reaching for her necklace that was under her shirt, she then tapped the charm of the necklace as suddenly Dash's whole super suit appeared over her normal clothes, with a swish of her hand her visors appeared before putting them on along with her hood. "Let's do this!" Dash said before flying to the city.

As she looked from the sky she saw him Shadow Serpent, his dark presence spreading a chilling aura. His cloak billowed like an inky abyss, and his eyes glowed with a sinister light. Citizens scattered, their panic echoing through the urban canyons. Dash swooped down, landing in front of Shadow Serpent. ""Shadow Serpent! What are you up to this time?" She declared, with a sinister grin, Shadow Serpent unleashed his umbrakinesis, shrouding the area in an inky darkness. The once-cheerful afternoon turned into an eerie twilight as the corrupted shadows stretched and twisted, threatening to consume everything in their path.

The villain chuckled a low and menacing sound. "Ah, Vortex Strike, the so-called savior of Canterlot. Your arrogance blinds you. The eternal night shall fall, and there's nothing you can do to stop it." With a swift motion, Shadow Serpent unleashed tendrils of umbrakinesis, dark shadows reaching for Vortex Strike. She dodged and weaved through the inky blackness with her incredible speed, before flying high thunder rumbling as she summoned storm clouds, attempting to dispel the oppressive shadows. But Shadow Serpent was not one to be easily thwarted with a wave of his hand, he corrupted the storm clouds, turning them into swirling vortices of dark energy.

As the battle raged on, Vortex Strike's super speed and flight allowed her to dodge Shadow Serpent's umbrakinesis attacks, while her control over the weather gave her a chance to counter. Lightning crackled, and rain poured down, but Shadow Serpent embraced the chaos, using his corruption touch to turn the raindrops into malevolent projectiles. In a daring move, Vortex Strike descended rapidly, aiming for a decisive strike, but Shadow Serpent anticipated her move and vanished into the shadows with a sinister laugh. The corrupted darkness seemed to pulse with his presence, and before Vortex Strike could react, he reappeared behind her.

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